Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Probably gone for a while


Lord of Altera
Hey everyone,

As you might have noticed, I've not been very active lately; not on the server, not on the forums. This doesn't have one specific reason, but it's because of a few.

First of all, I've been very active in another community. I've been working hard on the vectors I put on my Tumblr, which resulted in me meeting some pretty awesome people, including a rapper, a techno musician, a group of artists, some voice actors and a lot of bloggers.

The second reason is because of my new girlfriend. We've been together for a few days now and we're in a long distance relationship, which means that we've got to stay connected via Skype calls.

The third reason are some things I'm going through some problems at home. My mother will have to go to the hospital soon, for a reason I don't really want to talk about here.

The last, and next to the third one the saddest, reason is because I've lost the feeling of solidarity in the Hollowworld community. I've got the feeling that I'm being ignored in the OOC chat and when I get online, I rarely get the chance to roleplay. I've tried to move on with Hollowworld, but when I entered TeamSpeak after about one week of absence, the first words I heard were "Oh no, not him...", which took away almost all the fun I had in this community.

I'm not sure how long it will be, but I think I'll take a long pause and move away from the server, forums and TeamSpeak for a while. I've enjoyed the hours I played on this server and I hope to see you all later.

Keep the roleplaying going and help the new players.



Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey everyone,

As you might have noticed, I've not been very active lately; not on the server, not on the forums. This doesn't have one specific reason, but it's because of a few.

First of all, I've been very active in another community. I've been working hard on the vectors I put on my Tumblr, which resulted in me meeting some pretty awesome people, including a rapper, a techno musician, a group of artists, some voice actors and a lot of bloggers.

The second reason is because of my new girlfriend. We've been together for a few days now and we're in a long distance relationship, which means that we've got to stay connected via Skype calls.

The third reason are some things I'm going through some problems at home. My mother will have to go to the hospital soon, for a reason I don't really want to talk about here.

The last, and next to the third one the saddest, reason is because I've lost the feeling of solidarity in the Hollowworld community. I've got the feeling that I'm being ignored in the OOC chat and when I get online, I rarely get the chance to roleplay. I've tried to move on with Hollowworld, but when I entered TeamSpeak after about one week of absence, the first words I heard were "Oh no, not him...", which took away almost all the fun I had in this community.

I'm not sure how long it will be, but I think I'll take a long pause and move away from the server, forums and TeamSpeak for a while. I've enjoyed the hours I played on this server and I hope to see you all later.

Keep the roleplaying going and help the new players.


first: long distance relationships dont work, especially if youre not an adult with the ability to fly/drive there on weekends/holidays. not trying to be harsh but im giving you a heads up since youre young and dont quite "get" those things yet..
2nd: noone is getting as much chance to rp anymore bc everyone is gathering and building, in respects to impromptu rp, but the rp is there if you look for it, yesterday robin ran a rp adventure, day before aug did a trial rp in hr, i see it happening all around
3rd: i hope your mum is oki ^^
4th: i understand youre hormonal at your age and things hurt, but you hear one person say something mean about you and you attach it to the whole community? thats not fair to us and you cannot blame all of US bc one person doesnt care for your personality. it happens. a lot of people dont care for some people on the server, but we still act together as a unit to further our joint interests, and quite frankly i thought you were the kind who could be apart of the hw legion. but it appears to me, in my opinion that youre saying "o noone likes me, im giving up QQ " again, this is my opinion and yes, i do not care for your personality but i didnt think you would give up... its disappointing to see someone who helps the group throw in the towel.

i think you should take a break. simply bc of your mother. family is paramount.
but do not take a break bc youre being emo. fight back. take your role by the balls and say "you are my online family and we dont always get along but tough shit we love eachother so deal with it" pls do this and come back when your mum is all better ^^


Lord of Altera
Lovelorn, may I remind you that I'm not 13 anymore? Saying things like "you're young and don't quite get those things" or "I understand you're hormonal at your age" are almost like saying "You're young and not smart enough to know how things work."

I'm not being emo here, I'm just telling that I don't feel as much for the Hollowworld community as I used to. Neither am I saying that nobody cares for me, because of one person that said "Oh no, him again..." That is not the reason I'm taking a break, that was the straw that broke the camel.

"you are my online family and we dont always get along but tough shit we love eachother so deal with it"
To call Hollowworld my "online family" would not be the way I put it. I have some good friends here, but it just isn't what it used to be for me.
:( I still know where I first met you on HW, Itse. Shame on the people who said: "Oh no, him again" I liked talking to you and such :) Will miss you on here :)

I am happy for your long-distance relationship, reminds me of Matt and Me.

I hope everything is alright with your mother and yourself.

Be safe, be well, Eat fruit and remember. Follow people who have candy.

We will miss you :heart:


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lovelorn, may I remind you that I'm not 13 anymore? Saying things like "you're young and don't quite get those things" or "I understand you're hormonal at your age" are almost like saying "You're young and not smart enough to know how things work."

I'm not being emo here, I'm just telling that I don't feel as much for the Hollowworld community as I used to. Neither am I saying that nobody cares for me, because of one person that said "Oh no, him again..." That is not the reason I'm taking a break, that was the straw that broke the camel.

To call Hollowworld my "online family" would not be the way I put it. I have some good friends here, but it just isn't what it used to be for me.

sorry if i sounded like i was saying"You're young and not smart enough to know how things work." but thats definatly not how i meant it. i was trying to be ... advice giving
also, im sry if hw isnt "what it used to be" to you but i dont rly play any other video games anymore, i thought a lot of people were like that here... this place is a small addiction and i like to think of people here as my online fmaily ^^


Lord of Altera
I like to RP at HW with evryone, Because i think HW haves an very friendly community, So it makes me feel sad if someone thinks stuff like that, I hope you are not serious about this, And yeah, Lets hope ur mom will be OK and ud come back.
I like to RP at HW with evryone, Because i think HW haves an very friendly community, So it makes me feel sad if someone thinks stuff like that, I hope you are not serious about this, And yeah, Lets hope ur mom will be OK and ud come back.
Dont forget: Be safe, be well, Eat fruit and remember. Follow people who have candy.


Lord of Altera
"Oh no, not him...",
*Takes out Axe* Right, Who Said it? Ill Slice yer gizzards open!
Yeah, We'll miss you Itsemiel, only RPed with you a few times but they were good times, I hope your mother gets better and good luck with your girlfriend
Stay Safe, Stay Sharp, Stay Dwarven
May the Stone guide you on a Safe Journey


Lord of Altera
I just realized that after the first ( and the only ) time when i met itsemiel at HW, my RP character died :O


King ForumStalker
Unfortunately, not everyone likes everyone. No matter how you nice you are there will always be people who dont like you, and vice versa. That isn't anyone's fault, that's life, and it's a cruel bastard.

I can completely understand taking a break when you're down, especially when family are involved. Don't rush into coming back if you want to and take as much time as you need. I hope for the best that everything ends out okay.

As the cheesy, annoying catchphrase of the month goes: YOLO (You only live once). I cringed when I typed that, but it is true. Enjoy life to its fullest, and if you arent enjoying something, then try something else, because there is no purpose in doing something that wont turn out being enjoyable. As for the relationship, I can't comment, all I can do is wish you the best of luck.

I personally will not forget the contributions you have made to this server, and I for one will welcome you back with open arms should you ever decide to return. Goodbye for now my friend.

(Be candy, be fruit, eat safes and follow people who have wells)


Lord of Altera
Unfortunately, not everyone likes everyone. No matter how you nice you are there will always be people who dont like you, and vice versa. That isn't anyone's fault, that's life, and it's a cruel bastard.
That is very true


The Anime loving Brony
As the cheesy, annoying catchphrase of the month goes: YOLO (You only live once).
Why...... Why.... WHY?!?!?!
Why didn't you say "Carpe Diem" or something like that? Why YOLO?! :mad:
Either way, I'm gonna miss you Emiel, I hope things work out for you.


Lord of Altera
Well...I didnt know what to say okay! :'(
I will miss you Emiel!
I still remember stal-ermh i mean watching you and bette roleplay when your vampire character died :( Was probably the saddest roleplay I have ever seen :(
Love, xRoXx and jonni25
A Poem:
Emiel was a Vampire.
Then he died and
became a Tree.
Emiel is fun to play.
Even when its raining.
He can sometimes be a Tree
But that is cos he is a Tree.
We will all miss you!