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Matt - Pirate of stealth and tomfoolery


The White Mage
Name: Matt
Nickname/Alias: None (for now)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 1.8m / 6 ft
Weight: 64 kg
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Gold/Brown
Skin: Pale-ish
Identifying Marks: Mouth covered, also his hair covers his left eye
Appearance: Always wearing a variant of a pale grey/white one piece (jumpsuit?). The different variants have different marki9ngs/decorations on them, usually in black or else it's some form of camoflauge. Also, his suit(thing) covers his mouth.
Strengths: A reasonable tracker of animals, good with a bow
Weaknesses and fears: Can't bring himself to kill other people (mobs don't count). Also incredibly clumsy, which sometimes alerts people to his prescence. Also awful with a sword.
Religion and cults: Has no religion so to speak, but believes in more of a nature-spiritual entity. Some liken this to Shallerana, but it's different to that
Profession: Ex-hunter of Darkwood, Ex-Lumberjack and farmer of Cut Throat cove, now Co-Mayor of Elkron
Born into a peasant family, Matt grew up in the Old World, living in the ocean town of Aurolus. As a child he was present when the pirates of the original Cutthroat Cove attacked, saw the brutality they inflicted on the town, which is interesting considering he presently lives in the new Cove.
His parents never amounted to anything great; his father was a woodsman and his mother a cook for a local nobleman. Matt however showed unusual talents from a very young age. For example- he was extremely inquisitive, even for a child, and had a knack for getting into places he shouldn't. He also had a knack for hiding; if he didn't want to be found, even if you were nearby you'd have a damn hard time finding him. The only drawback he had was his clumsiness; he seemed fated to be incredibly clumsy, drawing attnetion to himself by tripping or slipping when he was sneaking around or eavsdropping on people (an unfortunate habit of his)
By the time he was in his early teens he had been accused (but never proved) to have stolen and pilfered over 100 items, ranging from odd little trinkets to a nobleman's diamond necklace...while he was sleeping...
When he was older, hunting became a prominent interest and activity for him. Not only did he enjoy the process, it provided food for his family, and he enjoyed feeling that he was contributing. So for several years Matt hunted the local wildlife around Aurolus, even going so far as to sell extra food to the townsfolk that needed it.
When he turned 17 Matt left Aurolus for good, and moved to the forest town of Darkwood. For three years he lived as one of the town's hunters. For a long while he could imagine no other life; he was happy with his posistion, he had plenty of friends, and the town was in good standing. Then Queen Grief returned and the corruption stuck.
Along with the rest of Darkwood's inhabitants, Matt fled to Port Silver as Darkwood was razed to the ground. There they found the whole of Altera fleeing from the same danger. Cherbert, along with the Kings and Queens, had opened a portal leading to another world, which the people called "Exodus" after the mass exodus of Altera.
For several days he slept rough in and around the camp that was set up outside of the exit portal of Exodus. Then he bumped into a pirate, on his way to the "secret" cove that had been selected by the Pirate Queen herself, Sally, to be the new Cutthroat cove. At the offer to come and see the cove, with the posibility of being able to live there, Matt accepted. He realised that in this new world events might get dangerous as people began to fight for territory and resources; being on the right side of a deadly pirate crew would be a huge asset. And so, this was how he ended up joining the crew of the infamous Sally Rose. After having met with her he was accteped into the crew and helped build the first generation of houses for the new Cove. He worked as a farmer and a lumberjack, but craved more.
After a while he tried his luck with mining in the Southern Wilds, despite the warnings from those around him. However, he was discovered by bandits who chased after him. He would have died if it wasn't for the intervention of the elf Qri, whom he'd briefly met before on a couple of occasions. Suffice to say she was fairly adept in the "art" of killing, and soon made short work of the bandits.
Fast forward several months and Qri and Matt are married and have a house in the Eastern Frontier that they'd built together along with the help of a close friend of their's, Teir. They had been married for a while , and are both members of House Miris. They both worked towards earning enough money with which to buy their own plot in Exodus, so they could build a house there, possibly even start a town. Now though, their dream has come to fruition; they own the growing forest town of Elkron.
One thing that Matt has found troubling is the possiblity of a war between Houses and towns. He has never taken a life, and thought of doing so troubles him greatly; while he is adept with a bow and his fists (not quite so with a sword!), and is more than happy to kill the creatures that roam Altera, he doesn't want to stain his soul with the blood of another.


The White Mage
Updated, I reverted back to my oldest RP ^.^ Decided the new one was a bit OP at times, and to be honest, I prefer this one :I Felt more realistic.