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[Elven City] Val Royeaux

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Lord of Altera
The only High Elf in Altera
The high elf sat relaxed upon a rock by the shore, just dipping his feet in the cool, clear, blue waters.
It was a calm, bright day as it always was in this part of the world, only the sounds of heavy boxes being moved disrupted the natural sound of the waves slowly breaking upon the sand.
"Ah, this is the life" The elf almost yawned as he stretched to reach for his drink, he was quite clearly in a world of his own not paying much attention to anything happening in the background.
As he took a single sip from the glass bottle, He was interrupted by the sudden crash of a large crate being dropped and the contents being scatted across the ground.
"What the devil are you two pustules, up to?" He angrily demanded as he spun backwards obviously annoyed.
"oh, erm sorry Leo. We kinda just dropped this one... it was quite heavy... I'm..." The man said, avoiding Leo's harsh gaze.
"What he means to say is that we're sorry for the intrusion, M'lord" The 2nd man, interrupting the 1st said confidently while slyly also nudging the 1st man in the ribs.
Leo continued to stare at the two Humans, saying nothing he turned back to face the ocean and while placing his head of his hand, He mumbled "Well just hurry up and clean it up".
"erm.. yes...M'lord"
"Yes once away, M'lord"
Leo Sighed. He knew his staff were doing the best they could, but it just wasn't good enough. He wanted to surround himself some decent interesting people.
Then it clicked, He perked up and snapped his fingers at this thought. "Of course, it's so simple!" He practically shouted.
"What is M'lord?" The 2nd man answered.
"Shut it, I wasn't talking to you" Leo snapped back.
"Then... who were you talking to?" The 1st man questioned.
"I was just generally saying it out loud, ok?" Leo now getting angry said while glaring at the both of them.
"But how were we supposed to know tha-" The 1st man tried to say before a quick jab to the ribs prevented him from finishing.
Leo put the palm of his hand on his face, fed up with the others, He stood up and walked along the beach. As he had thought of it before, it seemed so simple. All he had to do was to finish the construction of the Mansion, maybe not even that.
"Surely more of my kind will venture to this land once they know I reside here." He said to himself as he rubbed his chin.
"I suppose the problem is that they don't know that I'm here... I just need to give a sign."
"This mansion will be the pinnacle of my design skill and a shining beacon in all of Altera to the supremacy of the High Elves!" He shouted to the sky with determined look in his eyes.
"Then I won't be the only High elf, I won't have to put up with the stupidity of lower races, I won't be alone..."

Settlement Name: Val Royeaux
Owner: Jagster08
Assistants: none
Current Size: 26 plots
Residents: Jagster08, Fleecywelshgez, Hambo565, Alexn27
Location: South west of the map on a large island
Description: A large mansion built into the surrounding terrain on a tropical southern island.
Screenshots:val.jpgwenches & mead.jpgdoor.jpgoverlook.jpgindoors.jpg

List of Room types to be added within the house:
  • Master High Elven bedroom
  • High elven bedrooms
  • Guest bedrooms
  • Servant quarters
  • Dining hall
  • Kitchen
  • Lounge
  • Ballroom
  • Magical and rare items museum
  • Study
  • Library
  • Bath house + sauna
  • Storage Rooms
  • General Hallways and entrance
  • Chapel to Alteran Gods
Future additions: Once the mansion is finished I plan on adding many more buildings to the build.
  • A Dock
  • A large park area
  • A groundskeepers house
  • A large greenhouse
  • An Observatory
  • Others things... I'm open for suggestions
If you want to live within the High elven mansion or serve as a servant, just quickly fill in this and I'll have a look at it.
High elves are greatly needed as residents but if you can give me a good reason why you should live here I'll consider it.
While mostly servants should be other races(Humans, Dwarves etc.) or lower forms of elves(e.g. wood elves).

Minecraft Username:
Roleplay Name:
Servant or resident:
Why you should be a Servant/Resident:


Magus of Nothing
Minecraft Username: alexn27
Roleplay Name: Ixian
Race: High Elf
Servant or resident: Resident
Why you should be a Servant/Resident: Because it would be unfair to make a child work. And he's a high elf.


Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: alexn27
Roleplay Name: Ixian
Race: High Elf
Servant or resident: Resident
Why you should be a Servant/Resident: Because it would be unfair to make a child work. And he's a high elf.
Yay it's already working, High elven power!


Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: Seth_Jenkins
Roleplay Name: Seth Jenkins
Race: Dwarf
Servant or resident: Resident
Why you should be a Servant/Resident: So Seth could plan and drink heartily with his High Elven friend! And If you tried to make him a servant he would probably punch you in the face. Think this would be excellent for RP though, Not actually seen Leo since he was bleeding to death...


Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: Seth_Jenkins
Roleplay Name: Seth Jenkins
Race: Dwarf
Servant or resident: Resident
Why you should be a Servant/Resident: So Seth could plan and drink heartily with his High Elven friend! And If you tried to make him a servant he would probably punch you in the face. Think this would be excellent for RP though, Not actually seen Leo since he was bleeding to death...
Hmm, I'm not sure if we could explain a dwarf living in a High elven mansion, it's the same as me living in Thrall, I'm sure people would ask questions...
And there's a point, you let me bleed to death :confused:


Lord of Altera
Hehehe... Anyway, Blame the Vyres who were having a scrap... But Yeah I accept your decision. BTW would servants get paid...?


Lord of Altera
Hehehe... Anyway, Blame the Vyres who were having a scrap... But Yeah I accept your decision. BTW would servants get paid...?
I don't know about pay at the moment it's kind of an rp thing but I spent all my money on the house, I might let you live here at some point.
But at this point it doesn't matter as it's still being built.


I think I might like it here
First I would like to note this is sam98 I lost my account details to my email and my website account and couldnt log onto the forums so heres my new account!
I would love to RP as an high elf , I got fed up if being an orc!
And my 2nd RP ... went bad.
(I did RP as MrLightys uncle but he kept (RP) killing/fighting people at spawn and since I was being a wise orc old man it sort of ruined it everyone thinking I was dumb like him so my orc went crazy and got killed in a fist fight by that defined the foe cheated and chopped my head off with a axe! then my 2nd RP well I RP'd as 2 peoples kid but lets say they did some wrong things and got banned so I sort of didnt want to carry on as him!)

Minecraft Username: pro_diamondz
Roleplay Name: Sam Elthaor
Race: High elf
Servant or resident: Resident
Why you should be a Servant/Resident: Well its a brand new character so lets say he doenst have any opinions yet and you could "prod" him on the rod to "High elf supremacy" and you could fill him with all sort of wonderfull ideas "High elf rebelion" not saying that you would ... ;)


I think I might like it here
Ideas :
Hunting zone!
Have a fence cage with pistons and basicaly a servant breeds pigs in this cage and then pulls a lever opening a cage door allowing some pigs into another cage before closing it again , he then drops into the first cage using a fence gate or trapdoor on the roof he then breeds more pigs so the first cage is full , he then /home out or a ladder or somthing?
Then pulls the final lever opening the second cage the pigs then run out and are hunted with bows/ maybe other weapons but bows would be best.
Note.This could make infinite pigs , hunting would be fun , a supply of food and most of all fun!
This may be confusing and make no sense but I may be able to try and build it for you if you give me the supplies/or I can find the right parts!


Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: pro_diamondz
Roleplay Name: Sam Elthaor
Race: High elf
Servant or resident: Resident
Why you should be a Servant/Resident: Well its a brand new character so lets say he doenst have any opinions yet and you could "prod" him on the rod to "High elf supremacy" and you could fill him with all sort of wonderfull ideas "High elf rebelion" not saying that you would ... ;)
Sure thing, always happy to see more High Elves.

Ideas :
Hunting zone!
Have a fence cage with pistons and basicaly a servant breeds pigs in this cage and then pulls a lever opening a cage door allowing some pigs into another cage before closing it again , he then drops into the first cage using a fence gate or trapdoor on the roof he then breeds more pigs so the first cage is full , he then /home out or a ladder or somthing?
Then pulls the final lever opening the second cage the pigs then run out and are hunted with bows/ maybe other weapons but bows would be best.
Note.This could make infinite pigs , hunting would be fun , a supply of food and most of all fun!
This may be confusing and make no sense but I may be able to try and build it for you if you give me the supplies/or I can find the right parts!
Yeah I'm sure this could be added at a later time, but currently we don't have any free plot to build in. It's more of a to do list thingy.


I think I might like it here
Im not going to be a high elf straight away I would like to finish a RP character and have him grow up and stuff , ill inbox you when I become one
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