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Minecraft 1.3


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Polo mojang is actually rather fast... The very nature of the uopdate system makes them faster. Rather than wait 4 years for the next game, they give you a piecemeal update in a few months.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Oh no.... First, it starts with slowish updates per month or two. Then, the update rate increases, along with more and more new unlockable items and hats, then, along with update every day, we get drowned in the sea of hats and useless items and get TF2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O


I always dislike those comments you see that have things in them like:

- " Oh again not a API! "
- " Why You No pUT API in dis! "
- " why you take so LONG to finally release! "

I mean.. Really?
Its a freaking awesome game for 10 bucks..

Give them a break!:p


The Arbiter of the Gods
It is quite a bit though. You know, there are games with far more potential that are either free or way cheaper then that.


The Arbiter of the Gods
TF2... ._.
Joking, but yeah, TF2 can be taken as a good example. It's free, When I bought it was cheaper than Minecraft still is, and it can't really be milked as such.
Other then that, mods are always full of potential, no matter how to look at it. Also, notice that since about 1.9, nearly all features in MC are copied from the modding community. I'm not saying it's something Mojang should avoid, but they should at least give some credit to the modders.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Ya know, i never like it when people get mad because Mojang uses ideas that people have made mods for:
1. It is within their best interest to make the game interesting to as broad an audience as possible
2. The Mojang team often implement features that other mods have in better ways.
3. Modders have no right to get mad at Mojang for using their ideas, when Mojang has allowed them to play with the code for THEIR game all they want. I mean cmon, can you possibly imagine Bethesda ever releasing the sourcecode for Skyrim?


The Arbiter of the Gods
I never said I got mad at Mojang but what they are doing is very impolite, you know, if I was to make a game, and someone would make an awesome mod for it that I would like to implement, not only would I ask them, but also give them credit. What Mojang does is rude, and that is without swearing. Obviously, they change things around but the potion system or the jungle biome is nearly an exact copy. Those modders spent hours, days and weeks to produce what they have, they had people download those mods. They were happy, then Mojang suddenly comes along and just takes it without asking or giving credit. That isn't exactly nice is it?


I never said I got mad at Mojang but what they are doing is very impolite, you know, if I was to make a game, and someone would make an awesome mod for it that I would like to implement, not only would I ask them, but also give them credit. What Mojang does is rude, and that is without swearing. Obviously, they change things around but the potion system or the jungle biome is nearly an exact copy. Those modders spent hours, days and weeks to produce what they have, they had people download those mods. They were happy, then Mojang suddenly comes along and just takes it without asking or giving credit. That isn't exactly nice is it?
The idea of a jungle biome or potions is hardly original or 'copyrighted' I'd say.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Dont mean to be a pain in the butt could you maybe make this easier for colourblind gamers like me?
Maybe have
Key - * = Additions
<> = Changes
# = Fixes

Maybe you could keep the colours and add symbols at the same time?
Symbols could vary also :)


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yes, and I never said they were copyrighted, but the potions are pretty much exactly the same. Even the brewing stand was someone else's idea. While, as I said before, agree on using other people's mods and ideas and implementing them into the game, it's not exactly fair for those people to be forgotten about completely since their mods become useless. Do you see my point?


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
No, because all of those mods were creating because Mojang decided to allow people to access th source code. So really, using modders mods for ideas is payment for unlimited access to MC source code. They shouldnt be getting all pissy, they should be honored mojang thought their stuff good enough to go into the game.