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Bewpy's doodles

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Drawing with tears in your eyes really sucks. I call this the "Slaughter of the Mermaids"
Screen shot 2012-07-14 at 1.57.37 AM.png
Screen shot 2012-07-14 at 2.09.45 AM.png
And this is nimue in a pool of her own blood.


Loyal Servant of Altera
That thread makes me sick. I can't believe this is happening. Who the **** wants to go from a beautiful mermaid to an ugly lizard. The lore for mermaids was better. The roleplay for mermaids was better. Not this skyrim ****.

Bleeped out the bad words for your viewing pleasure. :) Tee ****ing hee.


Lord of Altera
That thread makes me sick. I can't believe this is happening. Who the **** wants to go from a beautiful mermaid to an ugly lizard. The lore for mermaids was better. The roleplay for mermaids was better. Not this skyrim ****.

Bleeped out the bad words for your viewing pleasure. :) Tee ****ing hee.
I'll assume the stars are bleeping -p-i-n-k and p-o-n-y.
I'm kidding, but yeah I feel sick too..


Magus of Nothing
I don't even care about the Vyres that much, I knew they were not going anywhere. Merfolk however.. :(


Loyal Servant of Altera
small pixel nimue in a bland pose with quick bland coloring
because i feel bland since all the flavour is being sucked from the server
Screen shot 2012-07-14 at 3.29.19 AM.png


Loyal Servant of Altera
I hate the "Primordials". Like alot. I already played as them on skyrim, I dont want to play as them on here.


Lord of Altera
I agree about the primordials. I wouldn't have as much dislike for them, however, if they weren't being carted around as a "replacement" for mermaids *le sigh*
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