Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Break, not sure how long for.


After not much thought I have decided to take a break from hollowworld, maybe for days, weeks, months. Im not sure yet. Mainly due to Vyres being nerfed, I cant be bothered to get annoyed which will lead to dislike and hate and a break is probably for the best. Ill still be active on the forums.

Ill be back soon, maybe.



Steelcryo said:
I've not even started being a tool yet but if you come back with an attitude like that, you'll see how polite I've been so far :)
That wasnt aimed at sorry you thought it was. Thats the reason for my break, to calm down, do some RL stuff and then hopefully come back happy :D


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Its annoying that many players use this section of the forum as an attention seeking device. If you really mean it then go - have a break and don't come back for a good while. Others seem to use it to get their 15 minutes of attention and feed off the 'oh don't go, we love you' replies and then they are back 2 days later.

I'm in two minds to perm ban everyone who claims to be 'Gone Travelling' for the time in which they specifiy on their post. And if they don't then they will get an automatic 1 month.


I was going to go but then the things I had to do got cancelled so I got too bored and decided to get over myself and come back. I wasnt try to attract attention in any way.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Its annoying that many players use this section of the forum as an attention seeking device. If you really mean it then go - have a break and don't come back for a good while. Others seem to use it to get their 15 minutes of attention and feed off the 'oh don't go, we love you' replies and then they are back 2 days later.

I'm in two minds to perm ban everyone who claims to be 'Gone Travelling' for the time in which they specifiy on their post. And if they don't then they will get an automatic 1 month.
Ah! The truth! It's unbearable! It hurts so bad! My eyes!!!! *eyes melt out*


Grand Architect
After not much thought I have decided to take a break from hollowworld, maybe for days, weeks, months. Im not sure yet. Mainly due to Vyres being nerfed, I cant be bothered to get annoyed which will lead to dislike and hate and a break is probably for the best. Ill still be active on the forums.

Ill be back soon, maybe.

noooooooooooooooooooo my love :p

O well remember it is summer holidays go out and have a blast !, see you when u get back sparks !~
take care


Aug88 said:
noooooooooooooooooooo my love :p

O well remember it is summer holidays go out and have a blast !, see you when u get back sparks !~
take care
I smell sarcasm :p