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Abbey Mirabelle Oceana - The Mermaid Queen's Tail


Lord of Altera
(WARNING: This part is kinda scary! :eek:)
“Magic can corrupt even the purest of hearts.” – Nimue Morgana Oceana​
I was dragged through the night, cradled in the arms of Aeres. Before we could reach the destination, they gagged me with some sort of magical ‘knockout potion.’ I awaken in a damp cell. The room was filled with darkness, except for the small window in the corner of the room that was shining sunlight on me. I cough as I notice the chains around my arms and a thin section of my fin. My whole body aches and I could feel the sunlight, which shined through the small window, dry out my body. I was parched. Why wasn’t there any water? Wouldn’t these ‘humans?’ want to keep me alive? With my throat completely sore, I must have been knocked out for a few hours.​
I hear the coming of footsteps, then a click of a key, then finally the opening of my cell door.​
“Well, well looks like the fish has awakened,” growled another white-robed man. He stared at my body, smirking. The man slowly approached me, glaring at me with his pure red eyes. I shiver. What does he want from me? I have done nothing wrong, yet I end up in chains. “Fish, answer me!” he shouted. Wait, he asked something? I was so caught up in my thoughts I hadn’t noticed he’d spoken. “Shall I ask again!? What is your name, fish?” I didn’t want to tell this man my name. I kept my lips closed and just stared at the window behind him. He growled, swooping his right hand in front of him while mumbling some words beneath his breath. Just then, I felt as if I was on fire. I screamed, not caring to gain his amusing smile. My body was in flames, although not a single speck of heat was casted off my body. I screamed as I could feel my skin cracking, blood seeping out of each new blister and cut. The flames would not stop. This man would not extinguish the flames burning inside of me.​
“Please, please make it stop!” I begged.​
“What is your name?” he growled for the third time.​
“It’s – It’s Abbey! Please just make it stop!”​
A smirk grew across this devil-man’s face. “Well, Abbey, thank you for answering me,” he smiled, swishing he hand again, extinguishing all the flames inside of me. All the burns, cuts, and blisters remained in place. Before he could stalk out of the room, he threw a bucket of water at me. Relief spread through my whole body as the water, began to heal my wounds.​
It felt like years had gone by before anything happened. The same pattern would happen everyday; the red-eyed man would come in my cell. Harass me, burn my insides with a wave of his hand, and splash me with water was what I received from this ‘wizard’ as I’ve heard him call himself. This red-eyed ‘wizard’ came eleven times. I’m guessing he comes once a day, so I’ve been here for about eleven days. I wonder what my sister is thinking. I’ve been missing for at least a fortnight. Little Nimmy would find me, eventually, but what if I die first? I sigh releasing a few tears waiting for this ‘wizard’ to come again for the twelfth time. Instead of hearing the same opening of the cell door, I hear shouting from outside my door.​
“You’ve broken the law, Azerath!” shouts what I think is another wizard.​
“Bellon! You have no right to be here!” shouts who I think is Azerath.​
“You’ve taken a mermaid hostage, friend. You must free her now!”​
I could barely make out sounds of the spells the two wizards where shouting, but I could clearly hear lighting, and thunder. How in the ocean is this even happening? For a brief moment, there was silence, until the sounds of my cell door breaking down startled me. The door flew towards me on the wall, hitting me hard on the head. Urg.. before I blacked out, there stood before me a white-robed grey-bearded wizard. Bellon… everything went black.​


Roleplay keeper
Draw, draw draw!!!! Hmm.. I know that Luna lived in Uthrandir at that time.. But did she ever meet Abbey there?


Lord of Altera
Draw, draw draw!!!! Hmm.. I know that Luna lived in Uthrandir at that time.. But did she ever meet Abbey there?
Actually, the location of the dungeon was never revealed. So who knows it was a part of That wizard city ;)