Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Abbey Mirabelle Oceana - The Mermaid Queen's Tail

☮Summary so far...
  • Abbey rescues young child from drowning, due to her own fault of scaring the child.
  • Humans/Other Legged-folk spot Abbey and point her out as a 'Mermaid'.
  • Abbey being terrified, swims away in a panic. Not paying attention to location.
  • Becomes lost.
  • Abbey meets Luna,
  • Abbey is captured by wizards.

What will happen next time on "Abbey Mirabelle Oceana - The Mermaid's Story". Stay tuned viewers


Lord of Altera
Hey. Before I get into writing the next parts, I would like to say that sometimes the writing pieces will get a bit scary. I will try my best to keep away from gore, but occasionally it may get a bit freaky. The reason it might become this way is to prove the emotion of why she thinks this or that. Just a heads up, in case I make it a little to descriptive on deaths and such. I have a habit of writing too many details. - Abbey

I also like it lick people named Itzzaboy. This is because he hasn't posted once on this thread.. Makes me wonder where my MOAR NAO! Is..

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I am going to draw the next image, because I couldn't find the one I needed but everything posted so far was made by my google search!!
Wow, it all links very well! I doubt though that someone out there draws half ghosts in white robes, but you never know :D