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Planning to build a city!


Hi!I want to build a city similar to the place where most trademenpeople gather and try to sell their wares and services.
Settlement Name: Fire-breeze
Mayor: Imody
Assistant Mayors : (None yet)
Current Wealth: (Not built yet)
Population: City no built yet
_______________________________________________________________________The city should preferable be on a flat ground made out of stone and all races across altera are accepted but those who wish to join the town permanent must prove themselves in a certain way.All citizens may create a home within a 16x16 grid.But if you want a bigger space feel free to ask and we could strike a agreement(more will be added,just cant think of anything atm)
_______________________________________________________________________Im not a noble yet but if anyone who is noble could help to build the town it would be much appreciated


looking for a home at the moment could i join you - currently have chests in stormhold that I need to house somewhere and need a fixed address. Can i help you build? i'm a miner and smith.


i would be happy to help, im not very important but i do enjoy building.
Also i wanted to make a town but i am too poor, so this would do if that's OK :)


Hollows Explorer
One question: What makes you think people will go to your town instead of using the auction house?


We still need someone with nobility and 50k...plots can be bought per person.I get all my money by mining in SW.
And to answer spiros would be more immersive in RP if you had to go to a town to trade rather than going on the web and buying it..right?


Hollows Explorer
We still need someone with nobility and 50k...plots can be bought per person.I get all my money by mining in SW.
And to answer spiros would be more immersive in RP if you had to go to a town to trade rather than going on the web and buying it..right?
But that would make the auction house useless wouldnt it. I do agree that it would make a more immersive rp though.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
We had a trading "town". The old Port Silver had many stalls. The auction house works much better in my opinon, even though it is less immersive.
The auction house will never be useless just because it works better. If you want to RP buying something, you can still do that.


ok so how do i get there and whats the best way of transporting all my chests from storm hold? Once I leave house lonmar surely i will lost access to my chests?


Lord of Altera
Erm, How about an Idea from a Dwarf? Get 200k, Thats 50k for one of you to get Noble, then another 50k for The Base Plot for your city and finally the 100k would be for plots as they cost 2.5k each and that money will go out the window in a flash. Best way to earn money is mining and selling things on the auction house. Good Luck with this btw, Sounds pretty good, kinda missed the tradeing aspect fadeing away with the AH


Lord of Altera
I hope this turns out kinda like the GE from runescape, but minus the eternal spam
...Runescape = No
The Grand Exchange was never actually that good, I always imagined it as people yelling out and selling there wares in lots of stalls, and it turned out to be a building with a few clerks in it. The GE just kinda sucked


I havnt played in like... 4 years xD but yeah I meant that everyone goes there to buy and sell things, when the GE first came out i was dissapointed xD


Am i really the only guy who has only played Runescape for like 2 hours then quiting because it was too simple?


King's Hand
You really should wait building a town until you have some money. You have 3856 rads at the moment thats enough for a 16x16 plot and before this you need 100k for nobility and the right to build up a town. And no nobleman with 50k would make you a town where he isn't mayor.