Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Planning to build a city!


King ForumStalker
Both have bad points though such as the GE didn't really add to the environemtn in what it should have done and the AH dosn't give any RP
The GE was supposed to be a physical location in which fair and honest trades could be made, that was the intention.


King ForumStalker
It worked perfectly! You can't scam on the GE by removing items at the last second, and it's a surefire way of making money, whats wrong with it?


Lord of Altera
It was also meant to be immersive for the player adding an economy as well, instead it was one small shop which didn't add to the environment or add fun to the game, just created high prices for things


If you mean how much plots will cost if the city is built...same price but it may vary per person. I got another idea that different people manege diffident districts in the town like a certain orc represents one district


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Mr Seth, Mr Itzza (and Mr. Spark)... How did you manage to derail this topic within the first 20 messages?
Please re-rail it... NOW! :cool: