Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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New Roleplay/Building Idea- Mail


I think I might like it here
Ok so I was thinking to myself the other day about the new update in minecraft. As a librarian I take no small pleasure in the Bookworm mod we use and with the advent of the writable books in Minecraft now I wondered how it would effect that. In the long run I decided it wouldn't cause that much trouble due to the fact that the new books cannot be placed on shelves yet, so then I thought how could they be used in our world without replacing books as we use them now? Then I thought, well how about mail?

Think about it, what if you wanted to reach out as a character to another city? I mean you could just make the trek to that city and in some cases you would, but wouldn't it make more sense in world if you could just write them? Using the new book system you could write small or long letters as you see fit in a roleplay sense, and it wont break the fantasy medieval theme.

This would mean a few things outside of roleplay too. First, every town interested would need a post office and at least one individual who would deliver letters to different towns. As to how this would work out I'm thinking titles of the book would correspond to the person and town and each post office would need a delivery box for their town's inhabitants.

So just to make things easy to understand I'll bullet the points I'm trying to convey:
  • Use new Quill and Book feature in 1.3.1 as letters.
  • Create a Post Office building for each town complete with mail boxes for inhabitants.
  • Create a Post Officer position for every town which can be fulfilled by any player.
And now, to better illustrate the parts of this addition that will benefit the server, I'll list the things we potentially stand to gain from this system.
  • A new way of reaching out to another player who may be offline or in another timezone.
  • A chance for interesting ongoing roleplaying experiences.
  • A way for player characters to interact in unique and exciting ways.
  • A new building for cities to plan and build to help expand cities.
  • A new profession for players to perform and Roleplay in.
  • Another level of emersion in the Fantasy/Medieval World.
  • More interaction between towns.
  • A use for the new Quill and Book feature that doesn't conflict with Bookworm.
I hope you think this is a good idea! If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions let me know!


Lord of Altera
Seems like a good idea, or at least the very first spark of an excellent one :D
But it'd need something else added to it to be usable, because I know i'd rather explore other towns myself and stuff :3
Maybe make...some RP events mail in only? have a hollow world pen pal? maybe some towns can accept applications for citizenship in the form of a letter?
But like i said, seems like a good idea, So i wanna see where this goes :3


Loyal Servant of Altera
i know lars made a post office in karuk thol and im going to be building one in redcap when the island is made, its brilliant for rp


Lord of Altera
I really like this idea! :D
This could actually create two or three new professions if you separate jobs into someone who runs the post office, someone that runs letters between towns, and someone who runs letters in the local area.


I think I might like it here
The plan was to get things going after 1.3. So far I've built post offices in karuk thol, stormhold, protaras and nilfheim, under the branch name 'Alterian postal service'. MrTeamSparky is also helping in this organisation. When I'm home from ma holidays I'll be posting in the organisations thread and getting couriers setup. If anybody is interested in helping out, let me know. :)


I think I might like it here
Thanks for all the positive feed back. It's an idea in it's infancy, so what do I need to let it change?

But it'd need something else added to it to be usable, because I know i'd rather explore other towns myself and stuff :3

I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't visit towns yourself anymore, but the idea is more for the second part of your comment:

have a hollow world pen pal

The plan was to get things going after 1.3. So far I've built post offices in karuk thol, stormhold, protaras and nilfheim, under the branch name 'Alterian postal service'. MrTeamSparky is also helping in this organisation. When I'm home from ma holidays I'll be posting in the organisations thread and getting couriers setup. If anybody is interested in helping out, let me know. :)
I'd love to help!


I think I might like it here
Once i get accepted (if i get accepted) I will most certainly help building and traveling (if you don't mind me getting lost a few hundred times)


Loyal Servant of Altera
This sounds awesome but I hate book worm so I will also be writing books with the books XD


Loyal Servant of Altera
I tired book worm before, and then the server reset and the poof the words were gone so I burned the house I wrote the book in XD
and I have been playing with the snapshots before 1.3 even came out and I have a bunch of books pre wrote that would just be SO much easier like this.
It's really mostly a preference things, I will still use them as letters but I will also do my writing with them