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[Town] Fairmoon [No longer active town]

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The town of Fairmoon
Settlement Name: Fairmoon
Mayor/Baron: MrTeamSparky
Current Wealth: *Cough* not much *Cough*
X: Y: Z: 5053, 55, 9753
Population: 4
Link to location on map: Fairmoon_is_here.png
Daily Tax Rate: 0 ( :O so cheap )
House prices:Depending on the house, The price will vary
Screenshots: Under construction so no screenies as of yet
Description: In the caverns of an island there resides a town. A town owned by the mildly insane Baron, Damien Cromwell. This town is acknowledged as the mysterious Fairmoon. Fairmoon worships the neutral god Bilworth, for he is the god of travel and trade. A small shrine to him can be found inside the insane Baron’s house. Fairmoon has two main sections. The market district and the housing district.
Resident Application : To become a resident please fill out this app
Username :
Roleplay name :
Job (You only have a chance of getting this) :
Towns you live in :
Link to Roleplay Profile (Its fine if you don't have one) :
Additional information :
Residents of fairmoon :
Baron : MrTeamSparky
Town Assistants : Abbeyvie
Residents: Duncania_X, Camicaxe, VideEvangelist


Lord of Altera
Username : Duncania_X
Roleplay name : Duncan Steel-fist
Job (You only have a chance of getting this) : Blacksmith / (warsmith)
Towns you live in : Karuk-thal, Islardis, Warstrom, Frostwood.
Roleplay Profile : Duncan steel-fist has been a smith for most of his life after his times in the army, he
has also travelled great distances, leading him to slowly become earth spirit blessed based on the time he spends underground and near metals, because of his weapon making skills and spirit blessing, it has made his body semi metallic, unfortunately because of this he often has weird moments, however despite this he just wants to get on with his life. he has a sense of honour and will not tolerate injustice.
Additional information : has some tendency towards philosophical statements and other such odd things, being a spirit blessed he can't help but be weird.​
p.s. if it is at all possible could I be the town assistant seeing as you have an opening t the moment, im on-line often and enjoy trying to help others with there problems.​
Username : Duncania_X
Roleplay name : Duncan Steel-fist
Job (You only have a chance of getting this) : Blacksmith / (warsmith)
Towns you live in : Karuk-thal, Islardis, Warstrom, Frostwood.
Roleplay Profile : Duncan steel-fist has been a smith for most of his life after his times in the army, he
has also travelled great distances, leading him to slowly become earth spirit blessed based on the time he spends underground and near metals, because of his weapon making skills and spirit blessing, it has made his body semi metallic, unfortunately because of this he often has weird moments, however despite this he just wants to get on with his life. he has a sense of honour and will not tolerate injustice.
Additional information : has some tendency towards philosophical statements and other such odd things, being a spirit blessed he can't help but be weird.

p.s. if it is at all possible could I be the town assistant seeing as you have an opening t the moment, im on-line often and enjoy trying to help others with there problems.
I meant a link to your Roleplay profile XD, but oh well. Welcome to the town

P.S. Don't ask for assisstant, I'll give it to people who deserve it ;)


Lord of Altera
Username : Camicaxe
Roleplay name : Vehrion Voilec
Job : Combat trainer
Towns you live in : Imlasdris... And Puhlua?
Link to Roleplay Profile : Signature.
Additional information : Nothing much.


Username : VideEvangelist
Roleplay name : Vide.
Job (You only have a chance of getting this) : No preferred job.
Towns you live in : Gehenna.
Link to Roleplay Profile (Its fine if you don't have one) : I don't have one yet :(
Additional information :
Username : VideEvangelist
Roleplay name : Vide.
Job (You only have a chance of getting this) : No preferred job.
Towns you live in : Gehenna.
Link to Roleplay Profile (Its fine if you don't have one) : I don't have one yet :(
Additional information :
Welcome to the town :p


Username :jacker27
Roleplay name :Jacob Delvley
Job (You only have a chance of getting this) :Anything that is available.
Towns you live in :none
Link to Roleplay Profile (Its fine if you don't have one) : I still don't have one.
Additional information :
Username :jacker27
Roleplay name :Jacob Delvley
Job (You only have a chance of getting this) :Anything that is available.
Towns you live in :none
Link to Roleplay Profile (Its fine if you don't have one) : I still don't have one.
Additional information :
Welcome to the town :p

Username : Metalslug03
Roleplay name : Sir Maxwell Sturm
Job (You only have a chance of getting this) : Anything that is available.
Towns you live in : N/A
Additional information : love some good close knit rp.
Welcome to the town :p

P.S. are you meant to be a knight?, If so I need more town gaurds


I couldn't figure out a name on the spot and i figured out my character profile so i changed the name of my house to my name now which is Gurk i can link you to the rp profile if you want.
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