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Things that annoy me in RP


Lord of Altera
I've been on the server for a long time, and so this is a bump and a edit so the new players can see my opinions of the roleplay and hopefully improve and perfect they way you roleplay.

Things that annoy me #1.
Choosing the next move.
When you use '*' in RP it means you're performing an action, but when you choose the next action for someone else, it sort of makes the RP stale and bland. For example:
*Pushes bob over into the water barely missing a rock*
RP is the core of our server, and when you take away the freedom of the other player, it can ruin the RP fast. For a better way to do this, way until the other player does his or her action. For example"
*pushes bob* and then 'bob' will choose his next move
*falls into water scraping his arm on the shallow water's rocks* This allows a sharp turn in RP and makes it tangier and fun.
Things that annoy me #2.
No cooperation.
This is when you perform a action or event in Direct RP and the other player does nothing.
For example *grabs bob by the neck* and then he just walks away ignoring your action in the middle of a roleplay. A good way to do this is to go through the RP, yet again it would make RP more fun with more surprises.
And no this doesn't mean you can randomly jump into a RP and do whatever you want in that RP.
Things that annoy me #3.
Strikedown of a RP
This is when you think that your RP is better then others and that you deserve higher authority than other people. It is also when you intrude on a RP and tell them to stop because you are making a better RP than they can. Remember, nobody's RP is better then anyone's other unless it is a major RP and is planned massively and needs to be finished. A good way to avoid these 'Strikedowns' Is to NOT ask to stop the RP, but to Roleplay your way out of it, make it a add on the current RP.

Things that annoy me #4

When RP turns to OOC
I have read some threads on how OOC is used too much in RP so I decided to add something about how it annoys me also.
When you use '()' or '[]' brackets in RP it means you have something to say out of character in the roleplay chat, mostly used to inform someone of a upcoming move or anything like that...
But when RP chat is overrun with brackets it turns to OOC chat and pauses the roleplay and over time just becomes a OOC chat and the roleplay is lost... If you're going to have a OOC chat, do it on OOC... not ruin the roleplay for others.

These are just my opinions, I do expect to be yelled at because I am enforcing 'false rules'
but thank you for your time to read this

Dragoon~ Crm3998


Lord of Altera
Before I start I want the readers to know that this is only makes me mad, and I want to share my opinions.
I hope people take into consideration so they can RP better.

Thing that annoys me #1.
Choosing the next move.
when you use '*' in RP it means you're making a action or thought, but when you choose the next action for someone else, it sort of makes the RP stale and bland. For example:
*Pushes bob over into the water barely missing a rock*
RP is the core of our server, and when you take away the freedom of the other player, it can ruin the RP fast. For a better way to do this, way until the other player does his or her action. For example"
*pushes bob* and then 'bob' will choose his next move
*falls into water scraping his arm on the shallow water's rocks* This allows a sharp turn in RP and makes it tangier and fun.
Thing that annoys me #2.
No cooperation.
This is when you perform a action or event in Direct RP and the other player does nothing.
For example *grabs bob by the neck* and then he just walks away. A good way to do this is to go through the RP, yet again it would make RP more fun with more surprises.
And no this doesn't mean you can randomly jump into a RP and do whatever you want in that RP.
Thing that annoys me #3.
Strikedown of a RP
This is when you think that your RP is better then others and that you deserve higher authority then other people. It is also when you intrude on a RP and tell them to stop because you are not good enough. Remember, nobody's RP is better then anyone's other unless it is a major RP and is planned massively and needs to be finished. A good way to avoid these 'Strikedowns' Is to NOT ask to stop the RP, but to Roleplay your way out of it, make it a add on the current RP.

These are just my opinions, I do expect to be yelled at because I am enforcing 'false rules'
but thank you for your time to read this

Slade~ Crm3998
well least i can say is that youve got it all down to the point. I follow #3 but that because I do that, but i dont control the Rp with it. I show that I Am skilled, I dont go and say " casts a fireball as big as the port silver throne room and turns bob to dust" I use it as a threat and or an example that im better, it annoys me when people think that they can just play hop-frog with doesnt work that way. Unless their character has the backround to feed that, then they have no right nor should they have the incentive to do so.


Lord of Altera
well least i can say is that youve got it all down to the point. I follow #3 but that because I do that, but i dont control the Rp with it. I show that I Am skilled, I dont go and say " casts a fireball as big as the port silver throne room and turns bob to dust" I use it as a threat and or an example that im better, it annoys me when people think that they can just play hop-frog with doesnt work that way. Unless their character has the backround to feed that, then they have no right nor should they have the incentive to do so.
Alright, thank you for your opinion, but yeah there are exceptions that allow people such as you to do things like that...


Lord of Altera
i dont wanna rant but i will anyway :p My character was trained as a mage for years. Ive had students current and new from when i was the headmaster in Uthrandir, (bellon taught me himself whenever he was online) say in situations where magick was needed leta say a fight. Id tell them to listen to me and they would run into the heat of battle saying things that were way beyond their capability. darkwolf was one of them >_> no offense. but there were many others too, juat the other day i logged on to find a few characters fighting it out with magick and they were playing hop-frog and getting nowhere in the saddens me to see this among our trusted playerbase.. :(


Lord of Altera
i dont wanna rant but i will anyway :p My character was trained as a mage for years. Ive had students current and new from when i was the headmaster in Uthrandir, (bellon taught me himself whenever he was online) say in situations where magick was needed leta say a fight. Id tell them to listen to me and they would run into the heat of battle saying things that were way beyond their capability. darkwolf was one of them >_> no offense. but there were many others too, juat the other day i logged on to find a few characters fighting it out with magick and they were playing hop-frog and getting nowhere in the saddens me to see this among our trusted playerbase.. :(
Yeah, i like how you say Darkwolf XD


Loyal Servant of Altera
I think this was necessary for new players and to act as a reminder for old players. There aren't many guidlines for rp in hollowworld so having someone set out some (in a round about way by telling us what annoys him about rp) is very helpful.


Lord of Altera
I think this was necessary for new players and to act as a reminder for old players. There aren't many guidlines for rp in hollowworld so having someone set out some (in a round about way by telling us what annoys him about rp) is very helpful.
Thanks for the positive reply!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Just my opinion... But there need to be punishable rules in roleplay... Perhaps not a ban, but something. To prevent idiots in roleplay.

Also, #1, that's called power-emoting. And annooooooying...


Loyal Servant of Altera
Just my opinion... But there need to be punishable rules in roleplay... Perhaps not a ban, but something. To prevent idiots in roleplay.

Also, #1, that's called power-emoting. And annooooooying...
Yes exactly, something to discourage people being stupid about it.


one thing I hate. People, in RP, saying "I love cookies" "me want cookie" Etc etc. Its sooooo annoying, epecially when their character is an adult


Lord of Altera
Things that annoy me on the HW forums:

#1 People putting threads in the wrong section.
Seriously, this clearly belongs in the Roleplay Discussion section. So before you start writing a thread, think of where to put it.


Lord of Altera
Things that annoy me on the HW forums:

#1 People putting threads in the wrong section.
Seriously, this clearly belongs in the Roleplay Discussion section. So before you start writing a thread, think of where to put it.
This is in the RP discussion, seriously check above the title...


Lord of Altera
I truly agree, I'm sick of the *Grabs bob by the neck and stabs him in the gut* Where it should be a choice:
*hand reaches for bob's neck, while other stabs toward stomach*
Give people a chance, don't let it become a game of "No you didn't! No you didn't!"
Thats what little kids do. It also leads to the infamous dodging Rp...
Ok, I'm done ranting for now, thanks.