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Things that annoy me in RP


Lord of Altera
I truly agree, I'm sick of the *Grabs bob by the neck and stabs him in the gut* Where it should be a choice:
*hand reaches for bob's neck, while other stabs toward stomach*
Give people a chance, don't let it become a game of "No you didn't! No you didn't!"
Thats what little kids do. It also leads to the infamous dodging Rp...
Ok, I'm done ranting for now, thanks.
Haha, it's alright... just release all you want to say in this thread I don't care...


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I completely and utterly loath the people I find who are bad at roleplay... Where I attack them, and they do nothing except for continue talking to me...

"*Swings wildly at the fool's face*"

"Now, now! No need for violence!"

I also hate it when I attack them, and they do nothing but just attack me back, and walk away! By the Great Tree, is that infuriating. So much so, that I outright refuse to roleplay with the people... And the arses who try and roleplay with me in OOC (while this is very rare...) Read the damnable ToC!... And, of course, the assassins... Oh, Great Tree, the assassins... I actually roleplayed with a new player, and he was flipping bouncing around my house like Ezio... I just up and left. Refused to roleplay with him... I can't think of anything else to say... So... I hate roleplaying with bad roleplayers... :\


Loyal Servant of Altera
I think you should give some people a break.. when i first came to this server i had no idea how to roleplay. I kept to myself and watched others do it and eventually learned. Just ask itzzaboy. xD

So if you see a new player not rping correctly, politely tell them in a pm what theyre doing and how to fix it instead of flying off the handle. Some of you might also be doing the very things that annoy you.. so just be considerate. :)


Lord of Altera
I think you should give some people a break.. when i first came to this server i had no idea how to roleplay. I kept to myself and watched others do it and eventually learned. Just ask itzzaboy. xD

So if you see a new player not rping correctly, politely tell them in a pm what theyre doing and how to fix it instead of flying off the handle. Some of you might also be doing the very things that annoy you.. so just be considerate. :)
Yes, I can understand the new people... I do inform them on how to RP correctly... but it's the older players that haven't learned yet that this is about.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Yes, I can understand the new people... I do inform them on how to RP correctly... but it's the older players that haven't learned yet that this is about.
Focus on your RP, and not others. It makes it more fun for you and bonds you with your character more. :) worrying about how others RP just ruins the whole thing!


Lord of Altera
Focus on your RP, and not others. It makes it more fun for you and bonds you with your character more. :) worrying about how others RP just ruins the whole thing!
I do worry about my RP, but I can't RP properly with bad roleplayers... It turns to roleplay to a roleplay lesson...


Lord of Altera
I find these comments about me fairly offensive.
I understand I did these things.
Please just leave me alone about it.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Yes, many more people then just Azerath... And he developed into that, which is better then starting like a Mighty Demon... Bostonboy, Fredduck... Just... Bad. The two worst I've ever had the misfortune to roleplay with.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well that's why this thread is necessary, to show whats a good way to RP and what's a bad way to RP. The annoying thing is that this is all covered in the survival guide so people should know better.


Another thing I hate is meta-gaming. When someone say/does something to you because your in an evil cult, yet their character has never seen or heard about the cult or has no way of knowing its members >:/


Loyal Servant of Altera
First off yes, these are all great points! I have these problems in rp sometimes, people just acting like the story is based on them and over powering all the other players in the rp, (not you crm yours and themis's rps ARE based on you two) I will admit, I have dived out of the way of a punch a few times, but never ever ever have I had a OP character. I don't enjoy rping with them either, I also hate it when people in rp instant begin treating your character as a peasant, (I have been in a rp where a brand new player began ranting about his over whelming powers that could destroy the entire world if he is angered...) I think this should be a priority for the mod/admin to find a common balance for rp. Players need to be warned before they enter the server that OP characters are NOT allowed. I also think that all players should have to start off as basic villagers or unskilled mercenaries and such, I think even if your rp characters background says that "Back in my village.... I was a trained assassin... Everyone feared me.... I killed multiple people.... Including my parents...." that doesn't mean you can jump on the server and be a highly trained bad ass... (I talked about this in Sally's thread too about op characters and killing people in rp background stories, if it annoys you, read there chat like batman was saying XD. Go ahead, read the example I put of the assassin in bat mans voice and try not to grin lol)
On a different note, Itzza and Bewpy, How did you get those avatars!!??!?


Legend of Altera
i dont wanna rant but i will anyway :p My character was trained as a mage for years. Ive had students current and new from when i was the headmaster in Uthrandir, (bellon taught me himself whenever he was online) say in situations where magick was needed leta say a fight. Id tell them to listen to me and they would run into the heat of battle saying things that were way beyond their capability. darkwolf was one of them >_> no offense. but there were many others too, juat the other day i logged on to find a few characters fighting it out with magick and they were playing hop-frog and getting nowhere in the saddens me to see this among our trusted playerbase.. :(
That really annoys me too, when someone creates a new character and gives them powerful magics out of nowhere. I think there ought to be an official ruling on magic. I like where the magic classes are going, having specific named spells, and you can only learn them if you go to the classes. (though I have other, unrelated, concerns with these)


Legend of Altera
I completely and utterly loath the people I find who are bad at roleplay... Where I attack them, and they do nothing except for continue talking to me...

"*Swings wildly at the fool's face*"

"Now, now! No need for violence!"

I also hate it when I attack them, and they do nothing but just attack me back, and walk away! By the Great Tree, is that infuriating. So much so, that I outright refuse to roleplay with the people...
Once I was attacking someone in rp and he didnt even try to react, he just said in ()s that I couldn't attack his character, even though he provoked me into a fight by taunting my character and threatening to harm or kill other people... How do you go into an rp saying stuff like "I'll kill you later" and not expect to be attacked?


Loyal Servant of Altera
People are stupid sometimes. The main problem is that these people expect their character to be the best ..... EVER. They play games like Skyrim, God of War and assassins creed where you can kill hoards of enemies easily and basically do what ever you want, and they come onto hollowworld and expect it to be the same.


Loyal Servant of Altera
People are stupid sometimes. The main problem is that these people expect their character to be the best ..... EVER. They play games like Skyrim, God of War and assassins creed where you can kill hoards of enemies easily and basically do what ever you want, and they come onto hollowworld and expect it to be the same.
I think that is a perfect explanation for the op in rp