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Do you want to be a Nakam?

Cakes or Cookies?

  • Cakes rule all! down with the cookie heretics!!

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • The cake is a lie! Cookies for everyone!!

    Votes: 22 81.5%

  • Total voters
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Lord of Altera
This thread is meant to show just how many people wish to create a Nakam character, not how many there are in the game currently. :3
And please, anyone who posts here, know that I am still fighting to get us accepted, never give up hope! ^w^
Use these skins to build your own Nakam! --> Sir Fuzzy Bottom the Second.png Sir Fuzzy Bottom.png
But as of now, please do not change your character's skin until we are accepted :3

~* Again, we are not an official race and cannot add new Nakam as of this moment! I will alert everyone to the moment when that changes, but as for now, we stay unofficial.
This is simply a "Reserve my next RP character as a Nakam for when they're accepted, but not now" thread.

vvv If you've no Idea what a Nakam is, here's the proposal! vvv

If you'd like to join our ranks, please fill out this Nakam character proposal and post it below!

Nakam character proposal:
~Nakam Name:
~ Appearance:
~ Brief backstory:


~Nakam Name: Sajek Alkam
~ Appearance: a bit slender, siamese coloring, wears brown cloth garb.
~Brief Backstory: A former guard, Feral, and slave, who was smuggled aboard an elven ship destined for port silver..

I look forward to seeing all the potential Nakam we've got in Altera!
And I thank all applicants for being so understanding of the situation surrounding the race

*note, when making a Nakam name, keep in mind the others at the moment- Sajek, Makev, Keivja, Havoki. All have a sharp ring to them, please try to keep this :3

-An Update-
New Nakam are possible, but only to veteren players who've been on hollow world for six months or longer, and only if said players can get four moderators and an admin to vouch for them.
We are also described as a monster race, which, to people who are unfamiliar with the lore, is completely inaccurate. Please do not go about being a mindless derpy thing clobbering people to death >.>
Just like elves, dwarves, and caparii; the Nakam are simply another peoples who've developed solitarily from any other race.
So, for those of you who wish to become Nakam and meet the overly strenuous requirements, Welcome aboard! (once your application goes through =_=)
For the rest, don't lose hope! I've not given up yet~! :3

Also, the Nakam now have an official home! Kavdam, land of the Nakam is a newly developing town, not but a few weeks old, and growing fast!
Please come along and show your support! ^_^

-Another update-
So, it seems we may have a bit of a misunderstanding about our ranks~
Please, before sending any sort of character bio to me, remember to get the OK from Altera's loremaster, Fitz. This can be as simple as PM-ing him and asking politely for Nakam-status.
It's important to note that you must meet the six month requirement, and have at least a good reputation around the server as a role-player.
Also, please provide a LENGTHY bio to send to me after gaining Fitz's approval, as I am looking for only the best role players to uphold the good name of the Nakam :3
Use this format for application bios:

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Sure, why not. Now I can mock my own race.

Nakam Name: Lucian Shade
Appearance: Black, with a gray muzzle and paws, usually wears a leather tunic and pants
Brief backstory: A very quiet Nakam, Lucian is an explorer who left his tribe to explore the world and all its majesty.

Er, I already have a RP character, but I'll create an alternate skin so that when I'm in Nakat form people will know I am in a different RP profile.


Lord of Altera
I just wanted to point out Nakam is the name of a jewish assassin group.....
Nakam character proposal:
~Nakam Name: Kha'jo Goro
~ Appearance: Blackish Grey with black whiskers(If you have whiskers <.<) and white paws, same as Lucian he usually wears a leather tunic and pants.
~ Brief backstory: Kha'jo is a very shy Nakam and thus doesn't talk much, he is deathly afraid of Teshvadiik. He likes adventuring and loves caves and dark places. He likes to hide in peoples roofs, where he digs holes in the roof and covers them up, then sets up a small camp inside the roof.

Irene (AKA:44uss)

Lord of Altera
Nakam Name: Angelica Rose
Appearance: Black Fur, With bright green eyes
Brief Backstory: A friendly Nakat who spends alot of her time with other Nakats and other creatures, also spends alot of time outside if its not raining (she hates rain)

( This will be my second RP character i will use a different skin for my other rp character hope thats ok)


Lord of Altera
Do I have to delete this thread for giving people the impression they can become a Nakam before they've been approved as a race?


Lord of Altera
Troublekelp has already changed his skin..
And I'm seeing new Nakam around Altera that weren't part of the original group..
It was my understanding that Kelp's skin change was momentary, as he required assistance with making his skin.
New Nakam? Such as who..?
we have: Wrayh, Michcat, guerreroman, THUNDAMUNKY, and myself.
Other than that, anyone wishing to become a Nakam that has contacted me I've told to stay patient, await the lore makers decision on making us official, and sent them a link to this thread.
I have not OK'd any further Nakam.


Settling in Altera
Though I am still trying to decide on just what character I would like to create, I am weighing two possibilities. I still wanted to post here to show my support.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I want any Admins/mods to know that any of the, what, 5, Nakam on the server take there roles very seriously and very much enjoy rping as them, We are not silly, we do not meow, we do hiss :p, but if you are still discussing this, please take into consideration that we don't lick ourselves clean after the rain or anything stupid like that...
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