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New Race: Wolfism AKA Wolfmen

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I know what you are thinking, "its a werewolf, well thats not a race!". Actully they are not werewolves and let me tell you why, here is what Wolfism is and what Wolfmen are, oh yes, and the reason I want this a race is because there would be more RP in the forest.


Wolfism is a gift that makes you in the shape of a man, but the body of a wolf, your senses increase, and your speed and agility also. Like every race it has its weakness's Wolfmen are not powerful against gold, (like silver but in minecraft). Wolfism makes it where only on some full moon nights, you may get a little out of control but when you stay a wolf for a long time, you begin to control it, your howl and make a man deaf, and your claws give you great power. It is a wolf race

Wolves have great experiance with the forest.

Leave a comment to make the post better, and please post your opinions, good or bad it will help thank you!


Lord of Altera
Wolfism is a gift that makes you in the shape of a man, but the body of a wolf, your senses increase, and your speed and agility also. Like every race it has its weakness's Wolfmen are not powerful against gold, (like silver but in minecraft). Wolfism makes it where only on some full moon nights, you may get a little out of control but when you stay a wolf for a long time, you begin to control it, your howl and make a man deaf, and your claws give you great power. This is a race kind of like the Nakem but not. It is a wolf race

Wolves have great experiance with the forest.

Leave a comment to make the post better, and please post your opinions, good or bad it will help thank you!
You contradicted yourself there :L

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Overpoweded, your one weakness is gold :l you are stronger, faster, and more in tune with your senses.

Furthermore, lycanism, er sorry i mean "Wolfism" ( :l your not fooling anyone there) its a trait, not a race as you have it listed.

You have none of the lore, physical details or anything else besides....hmm strength...strength...strength...weakness..... 5 more strengths.

You throw this together in the hopes you could be a werewolf, because you thought it would be "epic" and while it would be fun, races that are stronger, faster then everyone else are only fun to play as, believe it or not, it not very fun to be overpowered by a wolf just because you left your golden sword at home, in favor of your diamond blade because it does more damage.

EDIT*** Oh and lets not forget, eventually you lose your blood lust and can control your werewolf form :l any race that goes into a uncontrollable bloodlust is stupid, why? Because in the end you are controlling the character and you decide who to attack and who not to.


Lord of Altera
Eric, you could have let him down more gently :/
Anyway, I'm not sure if the admins/mods are accepting applications for traits/races. It would be better to pm a mod or admin about it first.


Also Eric- bloodlust is not stupid. Its RP. You could say ADHD (litteraly just read your profile) is stupid because your controlling it.


Eric V said:
I have ADHD, therefore its easy, real people don't have actual uncontrollable bloodlust's
You play characters that arnt real!
Do you play skyrim and say "well this game sucks, how can I shout flames when I cant do it IRL"


The Watcher
Greetings and salutations citizen of Altera, as a member of the Lore team I would firstly like to say thank you for your contribution to the hollowworld community as you have obviously taken some time in writing this and we would never want to stomp on creativity.
Sadly this cannot be a race on two accounts, firstly this seems to be more a condition rather than a race as some poeple above have pointed out, secondly there is neither enough story backing them or balancing amoungst them to justify why they should be playable.

Again thank you for your stepping forward and effort.
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