Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

edenthehobo application [Declined - Tywin]

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1. My minecraft username is edenthehobo
2. How old are you? I am 13
3. What gender are you? I am male
4. What country do you live in? I live in Australia
Do you agree to read our
Survival Guide

before logging onto the server? Yes i understand and agree
5b. Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game? I do understand and agree
6. I grew up in a small town until i was 13 my mother and father died from a freak murdering acciedent as they protected me i had to protect myself i moved to a city and started the local war training as a big world war was on I was 18 when i finished my war training and then worked in a redstone matinence for 3 years and learnt much about redstone but the redstone hurt my lungs so i left then my foster parents left me because i could take care of myself i decided to join the army for 5 years so i could avenge my parents i was in the war agaisnt the fearsome foe but on my sixth year the war grew bad very bad and my mate Eisenburg went on the horse next to me. All of a sudden we were showed in arrows just over a cliff, my horses left leg was shot off, my horse fell of the cliff into the water i was floating against the waves for days fish ate some of my toes and i developed a coma from extensive head wounds I floated to shore later on. Eisenburg won the war without me and i had failed to avenge my parents!
7.I am a great builder and redstone builder and I'm great at role playing i have been on other roleplaying servers and I'm going to enjoy this one the most and think that a roleplaying server will be great fun and everyone else is going to enjoy it to. Im going to recommend it to alot of my friends
8. yes i am making a custom map which requires lots of redstone and im helping my brother make a custom map too i have made my own texture pack and like creating pixel art
9. It will be awesome if you let me join also my skin is a steampunk/skylord alchemist i think it looks medieval looking guy and im good at redstone

10. Yes i do not hack or cheat and will report if i see any of the blackmagic

11. searched roleplaying servers and this came up on MCSL

12. Most defiantly have because the server is awesome and why wouldnt you



Lord of Casterly Rock
I'm Declining this, please go and read other accepted applications and all the requirements for an accepted application, before you re-apply.
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