Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Too many heroes (and more)


The Arbiter of the Gods
Things are the way they are, nothing is going to change because a group of people who think they know the best about RP come here and try to alter the way we have been doing things for ages.
There is the point of "moving on". The server's growing. Rapidly. Last time I checked there were around 200 pages of people on forums. If all of them were as overpowered as you are, what fun would RP be? I'll quote a film here, and I don't care it's for children, that quote is still very smart, "If everyone is super, nobody is..."

Same as war. Behind every soldier there are hundreds of people who may seem not half as interesting as that soldier. But they are what keeps him alive.... or ends his life.... People who make bread, who work in factories. Sure, it's not as exciting as blowing out someone's guts (at least there are far too many people that feel this is exciting :/), but without it there wouldn't be any wars. Hell, without social structure there wouldn't be Humanity at all!


Lord of Altera
I actually agree with you. My RP character had the usual "Revenge on bad guy" backstory which i haven't posted up yet. Now the backstory is just about an ordinary guy who wants to flee from his past problems and live in peace.
While that may sound boring to some people who read this, that's your opinion. I myself like the personality and flaws within a character. For example, my character is the shy type when it comes to talking to girls.


Lord of Altera
. but u have something with red how u lesbian?
Well Bi-Sexual to be true, and in RP you can do pretty much anything you want as long as it's within the rules. :p

And when Josh ws banned Redazure died so my character is kind of a widow now, if it's still called that you're not married. :(


Machy234 said:
Well Bi-Sexual to be true, and in RP you can do pretty much anything you want as long as it's within the rules. :p

And when Josh ws banned Redazure died so my character is kind of a widow now, if it's still called that you're not married. :(
This isnt a thread to discuss sexuality ;)


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yes, can you stop the topic about sexual orientation? This thread is about how there are too many people who want to be heroes. That's it.


Lord of Altera
I would like to agree to the tenet that everyone starts low and gradually goes up. Starting as a dark overlord or a mighty Archangel seems pretty unrealistic to me. For example, three guys log on for the first time and start Roleplaying:

-hail friend!


-who are you?

-ah, me? just an humble blacksmith, and you?

-The Warlord Kurad II, king of all the south.

thats ruining the RP and also can be seen unfair by the two other players. Yes, my character is the Grand Master of the Golden Crusade. No, i was not that ''powerful'' when i began. I had to post large threads, gain supporters, get money, resources, etc. That was only why i dislike those starting too high. But, i agree with the fact that the richest, most experienced and well reknown players can be considered as kings, archangels, high-bishops or whatever.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Tis not a spam, but a simple debate.

Unless a set of limits were placed upon thy decree, more than likely the next fellow won't agree.
(cool that rhymed)

Maybe get a set of limits up in the app boards if it starts to become a real issue. Or give players who actually don't start off as a "epic-revenge-assassin-hero" a bonus for being original
A. You don't need to use medieval speak on the forums :l
B. There is a rule, people who have characters like that on their application usually get declined now, unless they can do it in some incredible way

(hehe I brought this condo way back to the beginning)


Legend of Altera
A. You don't need to use medieval speak on the forums :l
B. There is a rule, people who have characters like that on their application usually get declined now, unless they can do it in some incredible way

(hehe I brought this condo way back to the beginning)
Yay were getting on topic again!

Eric V

Legend of Altera
This thread is nonsensical. People don't roleplay because they want to pretend they're students, working the counter at Tesco or whatever. They roleplay because they want to be larger than life, this doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a pirate samurai demigod from hell, but they want to play characters with decidedly heroic qualities and pastimes, like slaying assorted foul beasts et al.
Speck we have 1000 of those exact characters, we actually slayed all the monsters a few months ago. They are just lying around now :l


I think I might like it here
Speck we have 1000 of those exact characters, we actually slayed all the monsters a few months ago. They are just lying around now :l
I'm not saying you have to go around slaying dragons or vampires and things of that nature, I'm just saying that most people do not want to play a humble baker who lives and dies without ever rising above his station. Some enjoy just tending to their crops and that's all good, but I'd say that the majority consider it a secondary pursuit.

Remember, in the days of yore people were rarely full time warriors. They could be retainers of a king or a duke but if they were not required presently they would be at home, tending to the harvest et cetera. Only the most powerful could live as they pleased without ever having to truly manage their domestic affairs.


Lord of Altera
I'm not saying you have to go around slaying dragons or vampires and things of that nature, I'm just saying that most people do not want to play a humble baker who lives and dies without ever rising above his station. Some enjoy just tending to their crops and that's all good, but I'd say that the majority consider it a secondary pursuit.
We didn't say they can't go up the ladder and become heroes, we are trying to say that beginning AS an epic hero or a mega-super-evil such as Tavish is unrealistic.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
*cracks knuckles*

While I agree that everyone likes to role-play as a mega-tool…..i mean epic-warrior, we have to many of these. There is a reason ninja-orphan-assassins have been banned from the application process, we had to many. Most of our population like to think they are a unique warrior in some way, the strongest, the fastest exc. Well if you want to be the strongest in everyones eyes, go beat royo_royal, if you want to be the fastest, beat the man with the highest agility.

To many people create these characters without any explanation of HOW, if your character is demigod of the world, I really DONT CARE, but he sure as hell better have the magnificent backstory to explain it, and he better act the part in role-play.

You want to be a warrior? Fine stop farming, stop mining, and go throughout the northern kingdoms hunting down monsters for people, the point is to immerse yourself in the community, we have farmers to provide food, miners to provider iron, and soldiers to defend cities, these people role-play together, and grow together.

In roleplay, a great warrior has nothing in common with these mundane men, they aren't going to take the farmer or miner with them, indeed they would say no. The guard might have a friendly conversation, but even he won't go spelunking with you.

Everyone wants to be unique, in every possible way, the sad part is they are using the gaming worlds definition of unique thats been shoved down our throats for years. What do I mean by that? Almost all protagonist in video games (and yes we all play them) are some type of epic-asskicking-mega lord. Sure we start out a little weak (skill tres :D) but we still know who we are, we are master chief, kratos, ezio, exc. Sadly this game doesn't have a skill tree, so skilled warriors can't start out as skilled warriors they can only be judged on their sword.

Sadly most of us pick something with combat skills to be unique, well one of my characters doesn't even have combat skills, he just walks around in a half-crazy-dazed stupor.

Remember my children, this is a roleplaying server, with the goal as creating as much immersion into OUR world as possible, hell if Cherbert could pull you into the servers mainframe he would, but its not a PVP server, its not a be the best server, its not a overpower people by being a mega-knight server. When you role-play as something stupid, or overpowered people simple walk away from you and don't role-play with you, then your alone and their are bad things being whispered about you in teamspeak *ninja eyes* then you have no point to be here, so make the smart choice and make it so your character can grow! Growing through life is what makes a character important!


Loyal Servant of Altera
I completely agree with Xviggy. Today, when I tried to rp with someone new on the server, they "turned invisible". It just ruins the feeling of roleplay, and lessens the attraction of roleplay, when you have complete idiots running around with superpowers

Eric V

Legend of Altera
I completely agree with Xviggy. Today, when I tried to rp with someone new on the server, they "turned invisible". It just ruins the feeling of roleplay, and lessens the attraction of roleplay, when you have complete idiots running around with superpowers
Oh god was it crm's lich character :l