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New and upgraded forum theme!

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Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
It still requires a few tweaks here and there. But I'll get them sorted over the next few days.

A notable new feature is that moderator and admin posts now stand out from normal posts.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Though it's probably obvious, things like the buttons and fonts need some changing, other than that, the font looks beautiful so far. :D


Lord of Altera
Is there a way to change it back to the old setting? Not that it's not all pretty and shiz, but I prefer the theme that didn't give me headaches, if you know what I'm saying ;p


King of the north!
I love the new theme, it looks amazing. I'm impressed by how much has improved since I previewed it yesterday, nice work chris :D


Settling in Altera
got onto the forums this morning and saw the change in it the next few seconds I struggled not to pass out from the total awesomeness that is the new forums look


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Merged this and Frostguardian's thread.

I love it! With some minor visibility tweaks it will be perfect!


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I would like to add that the logo was designed by James Dawkins. It is a fantastic design and would like everyone to thank him for his contribution to the community.

A big thank you to my web designer Chris Wilkinson who was able to create us a new theme to compliment James Dawkins logo and initial mock up ideas.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I really love this new forums layout and the theme and everything about it. The logo is really cool, well done James Hawkins :D


Real life redstone crafter
One little thing.

.pairs dt, .pairsInline dt, .pairsRows dt, .pairsColumns dt, .pairsJustified dt {
color: #292621 !important;​

Please change the color. When clicking on a name, the popup isn't fully readable.

On topic: I think it's very nicely done! Bravo!


Legend of Altera
One little thing.

.pairs dt, .pairsInline dt, .pairsRows dt, .pairsColumns dt, .pairsJustified dt {
color: #292621 !important;​

Please change the color. When clicking on a name, the popup isn't fully readable.

On topic: I think it's very nicely done! Bravo!
Yup. I noticed this too. It's hard to see the names, but as Barry said, a simple change in the CSS should fix it all. Great job though, I love it.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I would like to add that the logo was designed by James Dawkins. It is a fantastic design and would like everyone to thank him for his contribution to the community.

A big thank you to my web designer Chris Wilkinson who was able to create us a new theme to compliment James Dawkins logo and initial mock up ideas.
How did you spell his name wrong when it's right there ^^^^ XD
I blame cherb's first sentence! :-P


I think I might like it here
Two small things:

1) The 'Mark Forums Read' button does not appear to be working. :oops:
2) I love the new format. Nice work!
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