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Stupid healing

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Legend of Altera
It occurs many when someone gets hurt like *gets slashed* Someone ruins the wounded rp with *uses healing spell* I think that is really stupid and if someone rp''s as a woudned he has to be healed by healers. getting binded and healed on a good rp way not some stupid speel and done whos with this?


Magus of Nothing
Well in a land where there is magic being healed by magic is probably a given. Personally i think that using magic to heal as a concept isn't a bad idea. Whether it should be used by every other player is a different thing.


I've seen this done before; quite often actually. I believe it primarily stems from the ignorance of how a wound acts, and the desire to not roleplay out the cleaning and bandaging process due to that ignorance. I can't say I know very much about medicine, but it's really not that difficult. Use your imagination. Using healing powers to solve problems isn't fun roleplay, it erases whatever caused the wound and makes the roleplay of the cause irrelevant.

I advise making an effort towards knowing how a wound works before having your character receive an arrow in the shoulder or something along those lines, so you can help others roleplay the healing process. That is, if their character has been taught basic first aid of the medieval age. Which was not very advanced.


Magus of Nothing
Removing arrows in medieval age;
Break off the end, hammer through the rest of the arm.


Legend of Altera
Off topic guys. I ment it just ruins a wounded rp if someone says 'iam a healer *uses healing spell*' done.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
bowduim400 said:
It occurs many when someone gets hurt like *gets slashed*
You're in the wrong here if you are doing this anyway, as you should initiate the RP scenario and not enforce it
Basically, *tries to slash person* is better than *slashes person*


Lord of Altera
Well if someone really does RP as a healer it's alright, but then he/she should RP it a bit more like *starts to channel a spell of healing* *the spell slowly drains his energy* *the healer manages to heal the wound but is left tired and weak* Or something in that direction.


Lord of Altera
Did you just start this thread to moan about roleplay mechanics?

Of course in a world of magic someone will attempt to heal a wounded person via magic if they have access to the spell. And if not I've been rp healed before by a Health potion, remember we're in a world which doesn't require complex surgeries or medicines.
Magic makes up for that, for example if we had magic in real life, we probably wouldn;t have needed to invent things like guns.
Magic bypasses a lot of things.


Zalenfal Guardian
Stop starting threads like this. You only need one. Post something in your other thread if you want to complain more about people roleplaying.
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