Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

nikomaster123 [Declined - Itzzaboy]

niko nissen

Villager minecraft name is nikomaster123
4.i agree to read survival guide
5.i agree to read tome of citizenship and everything you ned to know page character is a half demon half human character that has an arm that glows red when ever in danger and can shoot a pulse of red light but it is not very powerful.also has small power to move objects with power of brain and very stealthy. As a kid i was raised by my father as my mother was killed in a fire not long after i was born. my father was a very a very skilled blacksmith and and soldier. one day he was called to fight in a war. he was killed by the prince of darkness. my fathers last words he spoke to him were "my son will kill you! And you will feel the pain of 100 swords!" to stop anyone from trying to kill him he came after me since i was just a boy a he easily took advantage of me. he decided to spare me knowing i could do nothing. but, none the less he still cursed me and i got the cursed arm i have now.i spent my whole life hunting him down and was successful in killing him.and now i am just a man wandering for adventure. name is niko and i love playing games i am very connected witht he community and will do anything to help out. i actually have a job for valve right now reviewing thier games on another website that is working with them so i pretty much know everything valve knows :D but any way im very kind and i am also very serious about gaming.

8.My creativity is that i work for valve an review there games. sadly the site is not up yet and cannot provide a link i will send a link when up for proof.

9.i do not have any black magic
10.i found your server by internet


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