Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Wanted?


Lord of Altera
Okay, i'm good at drawing pointed ears, ears and trees are the only things i'm good at drawing. I'll be a 21 year old who loves choppin' wood, (all my characters do, I LOVE chopping wood irl)


Lord of Altera
Wait a second, sorry for commenting, I'm not criticizing, this is just giving me laughs... You're going to be an elf.... who likes to cut down trees, his natural environment? lol


Legend of Altera
Maybe he could be ur brorher so bella could meet him! :D
(and woulndt son be know why, and bella has no kids so step son is impossible aswell)


Lord of Altera
Yeah, brother would work (and how can you have a grandson if you have no kids? I did once, though, in The Game of Life)


Legend of Altera
Well it has to be brother as Alexantria is lesbian (in rp) with Bella (my char) and as i said bella has no kids and we dont have the technology in hollow to give seed from a man. So a son is impossible so Brotheer would be awesome


Lord of Altera
Well it has to be brother as Alexantria is lesbian (in rp) with Bella (my char) and as i said bella has no kids and we dont have the technology in hollow to give seed from a man. So a son is impossible so Brotheer would be awesome
Unless I would be adopted


Lord of Altera
Wait, you're speed? Lady Speed? Lol, I made you a werewolf with mah other character, remember? I'm vmmv22