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The Curse of the "Creativity"


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Imagination, abandoned...
Creativity, left to decay in the shadows...
Originality, nothing but a bittersweet memory...

*sighs* Fine, maybe I’m being a teeeeeensy bit melodramatic here, however, recently I have become more and more irritated by an increasing problem that I feel is infinitely more infuriating than the clichés of the orphan assassin stories.

The terrible curse, of which I speak, is - of course - bizarre eye colours.

Yes, I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I am sick of players using blood red, bright purple or otherwise luminous eyes to make their player seem unique and “special”. It doesn’t work, and it makes no sense. At all.
Orphan assassin characters are overused for sure, but at least these stories are very slightly plausible, despite being better suited to singleplayer games. Random luminous eye colours however are unjustifiable, and tend to ruin what could be an interesting, and relatively normal character. This makes people put you in a box. Don’t do it.
Normal eye colours, of course, vary for the different races, but the elf, dwarf and human races generally hover around blues, browns, greys and greens. You can make almost any eye colour sound interesting, you don't need to be lazy and just choose to have red eyes for no thought out reason whatsoever. In some cases “violet” eyes (that look more like lilac-grey), hazel - amber eyes, or very dark eye colours may be acceptable, but if you are going to go crazy with eye colours, please, please, please; have a valid reason.
Okay, that’s about it. Rant over.

*happily anticipates raging comments*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Basil has red eyes. Got it from some magical mis-haps... That, and I just love that he has red eyes. 'Tis such a lovely color.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Basil has red eyes. Got it from some magical mis-haps... That, and I just love that he has red eyes. 'Tis such a lovely color.
Blarg, your character's eyes have been made that way through roleplaying. Not just because you thought it was just an quick and easy way of making your character a little "different".
Dark purple is actually normal, I've had it irl
Pretty much every colour CAN be an eye colour, but not a common one. If everybody in real life started walking around with purple eyes, people would wonder what on Earth was going on. It's just not realistic in RP. :confused:
But I can't have pink eyes nowadays? Ugh... Jk
Epik player is epik. :p


Lord of Altera
*leads an angry mob of roleplayers with torches and pitchforks*
She has multi-colored eyes! Witch! Burn!
He's an assassin with glowing rainbow eyes! Demon! Burn!
*and so the roleplay inquisition began..*


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I try to have dark brownish maroon eyes for all my characters, but I once played a blind character and gave her white eyes.


Lord of Altera
*summons slenderman*
Problem solved.
Muhahaha, speaking of slenderman, on my b-day, I'm gonna make my friends watch a bunch of slenderman videos, and then ima gonna say i have to go to the bathroom, then i'm gonna get in my slenderman costume, and go right in front of the window. Muhahahah


Loyal Servant of Altera
Muhahaha, speaking of slenderman, on my b-day, I'm gonna make my friends watch a bunch of slenderman videos, and then ima gonna say i have to go to the bathroom, then i'm gonna get in my slenderman costume, and go right in front of the window. Muhahahah
Record it for us >:D


I think I might like it here
Muhahaha, speaking of slenderman, on my b-day, I'm gonna make my friends watch a bunch of slenderman videos, and then ima gonna say i have to go to the bathroom, then i'm gonna get in my slenderman costume, and go right in front of the window. Muhahahah
i like your style... my friends are immune. we played slender-man for 5 hours straight. went to the bathroom to put my costume on and went outside at the window. they looked at it for 1 second then started playing slenderman again. then i opened the front door slowly so it would creak. they didnt come. they didnt come out of the room and i was tired so i went to sleep. when i woke up and went in the room i found my friends dead. then i made me a bowl of cereal

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Weeeell my character has a red eye and it doesn't affect or change the roleplaying I do, and I do have a valid reason, I just haven't been able to write that part of my backstory yet :D

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
My character has silver eyes, simply because he's half High elf and also has a bit of werewolf mixed into him.
(No, he doesnt go out on the town to eat little children. He's just has an animal sex appeal and is a little hairier than the average man.)