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The Golden Crusade

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Lord of Altera

Some of you may think nothing is happening, and on a side of the coin, its true. I have deeply though about a couple of small and huge ideas/decisions i took/changes that will happen.

-Lately, a lot of our members became inactive/banned/uninterested. I decided to kick a couple members and hereby advise everyone of this:
  • All the Crusaders that have found themselves banned will be discharged of their great functions in a week if they fail to return to the server. Special occasions may happen.
  • All the Crusaders that become inactive (about 3 weeks away without notices or anything) will also be discharged and may apply again to be a part of the Golden Army.
  • All the holy servants of Might must always take their duties seriously. Those that fail to be of any aid or support to the Holy Words and Wars may be warned, then kicked from the Crusade of Justice.
These are the holy laws in which we all find justice and logic. They should be always applied with judgement.
-master Regulus III.

In order to keep this an active organisation where those that really want to RP with eachother can have fun, we must be also more serious about the rules of the group.
I also would like the members of the High-inquisition, also called high-council, to take a more ''active'' place in the crusade. by that i mean that i should not be alone to do everything. Yes, i thank those that are already helping me a lot. All i want is them trying to make events by themselves, organise RP conversations, interact on behalf of the crusade, and lend me a hand on the matter of taking decisions, accepting members, and administrating resources.


There are not a lot of events happening right now, but trust me, we are trying to organise some, and all the crusaders should be able to hang out somewhere, have a nice RP conversation and then RP-wise go fight mobs in the nether. I am only here to help you guys have fun.


I though about everything about Harlaus and its current state, and came to an idea. I wondered why us, a military Crusade sworn to wage war were building a village. Shouldn't we have a great holy Stronghold where we could amass our armies? a town would be a secondary idea. thats when i though of something. Why not destroy the town and use the resources to build the great Castle-Cathedral? Those that already had a house could instead get private suites in the castle, we could have vast underground dungeons, high walls, great towers, and huge halls. I personally think it would suit us, the great Golden Army, than a small village. I would like you guys to give your opinion of it, so i can know if you like the idea.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
What will happen to your embassy? I hear you have an Elf who lives there.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Valonyx, there are members of the Council who are very active (Myself for example) yet we've not heard a word from you for quite a while. I've accepted a few people to the city myself and have dealt with troublemakers before hand. Don't, under any circumstance, say that all Councilors are inactive.

As for making the village in to a Citadel, that'll take an insanely long amount of time, as well as a large amount of resources. Besides, by nature, a Citadel is just a militarised village within walls.


Lord of Altera
Yes, i thank those that are already helping me a lot.

Harlaus is not secure. We could get attacked easily. Im only trying to build a more protective position. But, we could keep the village and instead build defenses around and stuff like that, but it would take even more time.


Lord of Altera
Well, destroying the city could be a little bit too much, but we really need to fortify it or build castles.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Aye, Valonyx we've all been doing stuff. Me, Flyzer and Chaoticdog are very active.
Also we have mobs spawning inside the city...
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