Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Of Vyres And Other Things That Stalk The Night...


Lord of Altera
To make a vyre you have to drain a human, elf or whatever of all it's blood then fill it with a vyres blood. It's quite simple really. ;)


Hollows Explorer
I'm just making a statement that his father happened to contract vyrism after having the baby, then wanted his son to have "the gift." The mom hates vyres, so the dad left and she was abusive to Darikath, then, one night, he decided that he had enough, so he ripped her throat out. Simple enough.


Hollows Explorer
Unfortunately, I already wrote/planned a really long complex backstory for him, and there's no way in hell I'm completely rewriting it. How can he get cured?


Hollows Explorer
Looks like I'll have to earn your respect some other time. Is there a way for him to take the vyrism out of him and put it in someone else sayyyy someone who he loved that gets a dagger in the back?


Hollows Explorer
No, no, he WAS a Vyre, I.e. when there still WERE vyres. I went inactive for a while, and when I got back on, they were gone. Only I planned the entire first portion of his backstory around the idea that being a Vyre seriously messed up his life. I wrote the first two chapters before finding out they were gone. I thought they just had a lore change. So now, he has an outdated backstory, but it took too long to write for me to completely redo it, so how can I make him get "cured" before he comes to Altera? (At this point he's still living in a different realm)