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[Village] Elkron [Old thread - Closed]

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Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
By the end of the week! ;)

Spawn portals will be replaced by a more realistic way of travel as soon as the PS port is completed.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
We have appointrd several, main transportation hubs who are directly linked to PS. From there, ships will take you to nearby coastal towns.


The White Mage
Ok, I realised forums unwatched the thread for me... Wonderfull...
So, i'm back from being away, let's get this town going!

Hi! I'm an old player who has been inactive for a while. Now my old town is gone, and I'm looking for somewhere new to live. At the moment both my character and I (Radiants) are too poor to afford housing. I may, however like to move to this town in the future, which leads me to my questions...

1. I'd like to know how all the jobs of your city work and interact. For example, does the farmer give some of his wheat to everyone as part of his/her job? Does every citizen buy the wheat individually?

2. What timezone are most of your members active in? In my last town, no one was active when I was on, and it was a bit lonely. :( So, I want to try and avoid that this time and join a town where people are active when I'm active. :)
1)Essentially, everone works for the good of the town. Farmers will provide food for everyone else in the town, and because of this they will get access to materials and resources. Paying with radiants might not work well since it'd take a lot of farming to earn much, but i'm willing to look into it.
2) I've just moved country, which meant a good three weeks without any real internet. When I left, we were beginning to make some good progress, and really beginning to go somewhere. I won't lie to you, the town's currently pretty inactive. However, i'm looking at revitlising it over the coming weeks; assistant mayor/ambassador Edward has some crazy schemes a-cookin' that should have miners (and hopefully lumberjcks if we expand!) flocking to our town to earn what were offering - a proper job, with regular pay (good for RP too then!)

Hope this helps!


The White Mage
Minecraft Username: Woofrog

Roleplay Name: Kierkegaard

Race: Human

Rp profile:

Preferred job: Farmer

What you feel you could add to the town: Well, firstly I'd create a great looking farm. Second, I love RP, and would certainly stay in character as much as possible! Adding that feel of immersion is what makes the RP server great. And that's what I'd strive to do.

How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: OOC, I'm totally fine with Elves and Mermaids. IC my character is racist. He grew up knowing only humans, and his parents were very fearful of other races. So he doesn't like them too much. But don't worry, I won't go over board. It'll just make RP more fun. :)
Sounds good! A farmer is something we need, and we have (what my totally awful-at-minecraft brain believe to be a decent farm already, but i'd be happy for you to make your own over it, or re-design it if you wish!
As for your character, I think that might actually work, and would be interesting, since im Human and Qri's an elf :)

Contact me through the forums, to arrange a time, or in-game for an RP interview!


Minecraft Username: oHawko
Roleplay Name: Hawk Pirlo
Race: Human
Rp profile: Here you go
Preferred job: Assassin/Lumberjack/Miner
What you feel you could add to the town: I am very experienced in building, resource gathering and PvP within Minecraft. I can quickly and efficiently carry out any task assigned to me by the ruler of the town, and will not stop until it is completed. I also feel that I can help to educate the other members of Elkron, and assist with the development of the town in the future.
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: As I am human, I really do not mind being around Elves and Mermaids - in my eyes we are all one and equal.


The White Mage
Minecraft Username: oHawko
Roleplay Name: Hawk Pirlo
Race: Human
Rp profile: Here you go
Preferred job: Assassin/Lumberjack/Miner
What you feel you could add to the town: I am very experienced in building, resource gathering and PvP within Minecraft. I can quickly and efficiently carry out any task assigned to me by the ruler of the town, and will not stop until it is completed. I also feel that I can help to educate the other members of Elkron, and assist with the development of the town in the future.
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: As I am human, I really do not mind being around Elves and Mermaids - in my eyes we are all one and equal.
Welcome to the town! All we need is an RP intervew and i'll add you to the town perms! (About to sleep atm though ^.^)
A miner and lumberjack? Wonderfull! We need plenty of both!


Welcome to the town! All we need is an RP intervew and i'll add you to the town perms! (About to sleep atm though ^.^)
A miner and lumberjack? Wonderfull! We need plenty of both!
Thank you! I'm around any time at the moment, so just post here or PM and I'll come along :)


The White Mage
Soryy, i'm really busy atm D: Could you do this evening? :3 (If your Europe timezone that is, would be afternoon if your American)


The White Mage
Locking this thread. I am stepping down from my posistion as Moderator, so i'll have more time on my hands for Elkron now. New thread should be up this evening, the rules will be different and all ^.^
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