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Of Vyres And Other Things That Stalk The Night...


Hollows Explorer
I know, that's just a "Where the hell is the lore for everything" comment. I need to know to sound somewhat intellectual when writing his backstory. (auto corecct spelled intellectual for me, herp derp.)


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Just search around in the "Players' Handbook"
You could possibly "cure" your character with magic, but frankly it would probably just be easier, and less messy, to rewrite his story, or just start afresh with a new character. Otherwise all the vyres would have been changed back by magic before, which makes very little sense.


Hollows Explorer
Yeah, I am rewriting his story. Get ready for the darkest, most twisted journey through hell ever experienced by minecrafterkind.


Hollows Explorer
Sorry, I just read 'salem's Lot, so I was kind of obsessed with vampires. No, his backstory will not have them. It will have fun-er stuff like children eating corpses. ;)


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Sorry, I just read 'salem's Lot, so I was kind of obsessed with vampires. No, his backstory will not have them. It will have fun-er stuff like children eating corpses. ;)
However trying to make your character radically different and "original" by adding piles of violence to their backstory is overused and does not look very creative... At all... Just a heads up.


Hollows Explorer
However trying to make your character radically different and "original" by adding piles of violence to their backstory is overused and does not look very creative... At all... Just a heads up.
I am aware of this. I'm not going to make it disgustingly violent, instead I will rely more on the mental aspects, like fear and self loathing and whatnot. It will have violence, but I won't focus on it, instead focusing on the feelings surrounding it. For example, I will rewrite the abuse scene so it will describe it more through the fear and pain Darikath feels, instead of the blood running down his back or the gore splattering on his face.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
The Vyre are no longer in the lore for good reason. it would seem that those who wish to play as Vyre are the same people who want to be assassin lich kings of ridiculous unbridled power. generally it is overpowered roleplay that ruins the game for everyone else and they were removed because the community all screamed for their demise. it kinda sucks cause I really like vampires.

skellies zombies dumb undead in general. i reference you to this:

second from last "law"

the dead who are not burned rise again, their bodies possessed by deamons and worse.

as far as cheeky broken three word sentences go they are called place holders.

I dont know if you noticed but the undertaking of building an entire reality from scratch, trying to get a rule system for a table top game and having it apply to a roleplaying minecraft server as well is an enormous task. So it probably will have some place holders for a little while.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I dont know if you noticed but the undertaking of building an entire reality from scratch, trying to get a rule system for a table top game and having it apply to a roleplaying minecraft server as well is an enormous task. So it probably will have some place holders for a little while.
so, do you mean to say that eventually you want to use the game system that you are making to be the default mechanic to determine conflict resolution? Or just the lore part? just wondering.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
It will probably never transate into the online game but it is a stable backdrop to not OP characters


The Mogul of Cromarcky
makes sense. I'm not looking to try and become one, but if/when the game is hammered out thus reigning in OP-ness, would there be a possibility of seeing the return of Vyres?


Hollows Explorer
I had an idea for zombiepigmen lore, which basically is they are cheaters or liars or whatever punished with undeath, only they were the really bad ones, forced to roam nether/hell in the form of the swine they are.