Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A question


The original mute
Does anyone think that some people should allowed an 'event rp character'? I've been thinking this because my rp (Xenai) isn't a fighter, which effectively blocks me from a lot of the roleplaying events. However if i had a special character, just for this, then it wouldn't matter. Leave feedback below please.


Lord of Altera
You are allowed. Your not permited to one character through your entire time on HollowWorld. When an event comes up and you want to play it through as a different character, then go ahead. Just remember to change your skin or other people will think your the same character.


The original mute
You are allowed. Your not permited to one character through your entire time on HollowWorld. When an event comes up and you want to play it through as a different character, then go ahead. Just remember to change your skin or other people will think your the same character.
No, it is one rp per account, and what you're talking about is effectively killing off one rp in favour of the other. I want to have one that is just for events.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I don't know about any "official" stance on this, but for a small number of events (especially the ones that have high mortality rates) I've witnessed, there have been many alternate characters used.

I do second the idea of switching your skin though when you are using an alternate character, just to help avoid confusion.


Lord of Altera
No, it is one rp per account, and what you're talking about is effectively killing off one rp in favour of the other. I want to have one that is just for events.
How do you know its one rp per account? And killing off? Your character could go traveling, visit family.


The original mute
How do you know its one rp per account? And killing off? Your character could go traveling, visit family.
I know it's one per account because a lot of people had to have characters leave, die or vanish for it. I was one of them.


King ForumStalker
Yes, you are limited to one roleplay character per account. However for small roleplay events you may use an alternate.


The original mute
Well that's my question mostly answered, but does this mean I can't use my rp for all ones that wouldn't make sense my main going to? Only the small ones?


The original mute
It's not that I don't want to use my main, it's that in some rps where fighting is required he just wouldn't be there,though I do have another rp that I could use for combat events. Which is what he would only be used for.