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DotA II - Anybody play it? (Plus, does anybody want it?)


So, the second Defence of the Ancients game is still in its Beta stages, but I'm wondering who plays it, if anybody? Who do you main as? Let's get a discussion going! :D

For those that haven't played it, if you're into MOBA's (Multiplayer Online Battle-Arena) games (think League of Legends-style) then it's certainly a good game to look into. Personally I hated League of Legends, but I love DotA II. There's such an expansive array of Heroes (which are all free, all the time!), nobody ever starts a game with an advantage (other than the knowledge from previous games, I suppose)

A wide variety of items ranging from weapons, armours and accessories, and multiple different recipes mean no two games will be the same. It's especially fun when played with friends.

I feel like a Salesman. Why am I telling you this? Because I have two copies of the game I'm willing to give away on Steam. Free. All you have to do is be nice, convince me you're going to actually play the game (preferably with me (and maybe some buddies of mine/yours), because it's always better with friends) and not just be a leech looking to make some profit by trading it off. So there. :)


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well, I never played any MOBAs, but that's simply because whenever I looked at LoL I though "lol... no". Then there was also the HoN, but I was like "Heck no".
Then I saw DotA II. Now, I know what you lot may be thinking "A noob. Fresh meat? Let's waste him >: D" and you're generally correct. However, except being a noob I am also a Valve fanboy. As in, I could kill just to be able to visit Valve's Headquarters. Valve is probably the only reason I ever heard of DotA 2, but once I've heard of it I've been waiting anxiously for its official release so I could play xD


I play LoL occasionally and I played DotA a long while ago, and not much. So I tried DotA 2 and I personally don't like it. It could be because I'm used to LoL, I'm not sure. It just feels odd. And strangely enough it's more taxing on my poor little laptop than LoL is while generally looking far worse...


The Arbiter of the Gods
I just looked at screens from both games, and I think DotA 2 looks better, especially the ground textures.


I just looked at screens from both games, and I think DotA 2 looks better, especially the ground textures.
I've seen some DotA 2 footage. Which is why I'm somewhat surprised, I got (I think) quite high settings and the game looks horrible. Nevertheless the whole thing doesn't inspire me, as I said it feels weird.


I play LoL occasionally and I played DotA a long while ago, and not much. So I tried DotA 2 and I personally don't like it. It could be because I'm used to LoL, I'm not sure. It just feels odd. And strangely enough it's more taxing on my poor little laptop than LoL is while generally looking far worse...
I'm actually the opposite, there. Hated LoL, love DotA II.


Zalenfal Guardian
I love LoL, and my friends say DotA 2 is really good, but i can't find out how to play the damn game xD


Legend of Altera
I've recently acquired 3 extra copies of the game, if anyone is interested. :p I do agree that it is a terrific game as well!