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Doors slammed shut, children screaming...


Lord of Altera
A bloodied man walks towards the gates of Stormhold, severed earthspawn heads tied to his belt.
Grinning, he watches the people screaming and running for their houses.
Children screaming, women crying and watchmen cowering.
As he finds the gate to the city shut, he calls out: "I, the great and magnificent Markus Groothart, Lord of the Temple City of Uliima Gurum, High Priest of Kilrox, Captain in the Jarl's Navy, request entry into the city!"
After a moment of silence, the sound of relief is heard: "Open the gates!" They have not forgotten...
For months he had been away, in the mountains, for his god had sent him on a mission: to murder an order of unruly earthspawn. The Creed as they called themselves was an order of assassin-wizards who took up orphans and trained them in the arts of assassination. It annoyed Kilrox, for they used stealth instead of brutal slaughter to eliminate their enemy!
So after a long time the chasing of cowardly earthspawn finally had ended and he returned to Nilfheim to report back for his duty.
As the people stare at the severely bloodied man with a slightly unnerving smile that is walking around town, he suddenly stops and turns around to face a little girl. She is standing there, looking at the man curiously. As the people slowly back up as he nears, the little girl stands there. "Hello there, lovely young lady, what is your name, if I might ask?" The girl answers: "My mother said never to tell a stranger my name, good sir." The man grins, he reaches for his belt and pulls out an earthspawn head. He holds it in front of the girl with a twisted smile. "Take this, it is a present of mine, to you." As he speaks he uses the blood dripping from the head to draw a sword, facing up on the little girl's head. "Thank you very much, sir!" The girl smiles and wanders off, dragging the head behind her. The bloodied man walks towards the docks, humming a song as the people stare at eachother in shock.

OOC: I am back, and I needed a story to explain me being away. Anyways, my character is back, aiming to kill all life on Altera (with a smile on his face), especially annoying life, like earthspawn, or Nakam, maybe the occasional wood elf. So yay for evil people being back!


Lord of Altera
I'm going to find you. And when I do? I'm going to kill not only you, but everyone you have loved, everyone they have loved, and your pet dog.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Just let it be known that Merfolk fight back a hell of a lot better than Earthspawn do...
I doubt that highly... Us Earthspawn would pick you up. Snap you in half then eat you and when someone asked why did we do that? We would shrug and go "I felz like it!"

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
For months he had been away, in the mountains, for his god had sent him on a mission: to murder an order of unruly earthspawn. The Creed as they called themselves was an order of assassin-wizards who took up orphans and trained them in the arts of assassination. It annoyed Kilrox, for they used stealth instead of brutal slaughter to kill there enemys !
I think a few parts of this story are fairly unlikely. 1st Earthspawn are NOT talented with magic. I'm not even sure if they can cast it. 2. Stealthy Earthspawn? 7ft tall, Exploding muscle of green savagey! To not notice that sneaking past you must be blind or dead! Not using Brutal slaughter? The lore of Earthspawn pretty much make them the definition on Brutal slaughter. 3. You think Earthspawn are capable of even physically making this creed? Lore states Earthspawn are rarely in a NORMAL army due to not being intelligent or disciplined. They are bodyguards, bandits and fight in EARTHSPAWN armies. This story seems more like our smaller cousins the greylings... ( The graylings are the stealthy,magic ones. Not Earthspawn :p )


Lord of Altera
I think a few parts of this story are fairly unlikely. 1st Earthspawn are NOT talented with magic. I'm not even sure if they can cast it. 2. Stealthy Earthspawn? 7ft tall, Exploding muscle of green savagey! To not notice that sneaking past you must be blind or dead! Not using Brutal slaughter? The lore of Earthspawn pretty much make them the definition on Brutal slaughter. 3. You think Earthspawn are capable of even physically making this creed? Lore states Earthspawn are rarely in a NORMAL army due to not being intelligent or disciplined. They are bodyguards, bandits and fight in EARTHSPAWN armies. This story seems more like our smaller cousins the greylings... ( The graylings are the stealthy,magic ones. Not Earthspawn :p )
This is all good and correct and such, but you are forgetting that I single handedly slaughtered their entire order, I am not downtalking myself, but even for a magnificent and glorious person such as myself to be able to singlehandedly slaughter an entire order of assassins-wizards, it does have to be a rather shitty order, this is where earthspawn come in. As for them being the definition of brutal slaughter, exactly why the bloody overlord had sent me to deal with it. And come on, what sick and twisted mind hands a little girl a seperated greyling head? They look awful.


Lord of Altera
It's gonna be so good to finally have some bad guys again, things were really getting "too quiet" :D

This will surely make for some awesome RP, i really hope you've got a trick or two ready up your sleeve Mark ;)
