Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A competition

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King of the north!
Some of you will have no idea who I am since I've been MIA from being on the server for a while. I've recently become a moderator on the Yogscast forums and mostly been spending my time working there (I also do support tickets (THEY ARE EVIL)) and playing games with people from over there and I've been ignoring Hollowworld for a while.

But now I'm back with an opportunity. Being the lovely people they are, The Yogscast crew have decided to reward us moderators with some free stuff. Nothing major, just a couple of T-shirts, but the big thing is I can get them signed if I wish.

Now what I was thinking was holding a competition (not decided what yet) where the winner gets one of the signed T-shirts. This should include all the members of the Yogscast from Yogtowers (Lewis, Simon, Hannah, Duncan, Sjin, Minty, Sparkles, Martyn, Strippin plus other behind the scenes people).

All I need to know is, are enough people interested to make it worth me doing and getting it signed? If not I'll just keep it and wear it as an actual t-shirt instead of having it signed and not wanting to ruin it :p

So yeah, who would be interested in winning this in a competition of some kind?


Lord of Altera
That would be the best thing anyone has ever given me..... So yes Steel get the T-shirt signed... as long as I can win it.


Lord of Altera
Despite all the hassle that the Yogscast seem to get, I think having a signed Yogscast shirt would be pretty epic.
Just saying


Retired Staff
All my friends are huge fans and I want nothing more than to make them jealous. I'm in!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Count me in!
Just please, if you're going to do something in minecraft, make it GMT friendly:'(
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