Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Paying for Information


Burner of Worlds
Citizens of Altera,

The Free City of Mirage stands apart from the struggles between the great Houses but it is not a disinterested party. We take a great interest in the affairs of the Houses, their plans and their actions.

To assist in our quest for more knowledge I, Sir Rauyran, Master of Mirage hereby offer a bounty for information and secrets relating to the Houses.

I will pay the following:
  • 2000 radiants for exclusive access to credible verifiable information
  • 1000 radiants for credible verifiable information that I have not heard before.
  • 500 radiants for information that is credible but unverifiable or I have been told before by another person.
  • 200 radiants for rumours at my discretion.
In return I offer complete confidentiality and anonymity.

Sir Rauyran, Master of Mirage

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
And what sort of information do you seek? (since most of the chat about it is made in a closed /ch H)

I just want to know what should I be looking for, instead of tuning in to every single RP conversation that I hear.


Burner of Worlds
And what sort of information do you seek? (since most of the chat about it is made in a closed /ch H)

I just want to know what should I be looking for, instead of tuning in to every single RP conversation that I hear.
Information about unannounced alliances, planned attacks, battle orders, wealth, secret strongholds, spies, disinformation campaigns, weaknesses etc.


King's Hand
Information about unannounced alliances, planned attacks, battle orders, wealth, secret strongholds, spies, disinformation campaigns, weaknesses etc.
Sorry Rau :)
But I laugh so hard by this. Planned attacks...
Oh yes, I could give you some information about planned attacks... if it would be possible.


King's Hand
Well, I already have information on planned attacks on significant places in Altera...
Hahaha, yea I know:

Attacker: Hey I want to chop off your head!
Defender: Ok
*both take out dices*
Attacker rolls 10
Defender rolls 6
Defender: (arghhh no)
Attacker: (yea)
*Attacker type /stopfly, take out his diamondsword and kill Defender*

Later on in the Forum:
Attacker: I had an epic fight with Defender today. But in the end I won it because of my pvp skills!