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Elven Age - A reference guide


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
It has come to my attention that a lot of people (Including myself, up until 5 seconds ago) do not know how the age of Elves work, so using this awesome guide (Not made by me, made by SparkinSpace) you can work out your Elven age for your character

Left side is Human - Right side is Elven

1 year old = 11 months old
5 years old = 4 years old
10 years old = 8 years old
15 years old = 12 years old
20 years old = 16 years old
30 years old = 25 years old
40 years old = 27 years old
80 years old = 40 years old
100 years old = 42 years old
200 years old = 52 years old
250 years old = 65 years old
270+ years old = 70+ years old


Lord of Altera
made it easier to figure out :p But Jstar id leave this to legion and itzza, or at least pass it up with them.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Since Elves age more slowly than humans, I think you should read it like "when a Elf is 270 years old, he looks like he's 70 years old in human years"
Correct me if I'm seeing this wrongly..


Lord of Altera
Since Elves age more slowly than humans, I think you should read it like "when a Elf is 270 years old, he looks like he's 70 years old in human years"
Correct me if I'm seeing this wrongly..
your correct? I dont know what Jstar was thinking,but thats what I strongly assumed.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
I put them the wrong way around, I just thought it would make life easier. You were right Lady :I


Silly Jstar for mixing up the label of human and elf ;) but thanks for liking my idea :D ive spent a lot of time thinking about it xD