Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A competition

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Lord of Altera
Jaffa cakes are delicious. A soft cake with crispy chocolate on top and jam filling.
Mmm... Who could resist? I certainly can't. *looks at empty packaging next to pc.*
only one? *looks at the heaps of packages that covers his ps3 and half of his desk nd mumbles* i certainly need to do some shopping tomorrow


Lord of Altera
*looks at the mounds of Jaffa packages and unrelated comments that are slowly filling the thread...* /RE-RAIL


We demons of our solemn hour
Jeroxia Prefers the Jaffa Talk,
As a Wise man once Said:
A real Man Can't be in a Contest Without Jaffa's in his Tummy


King of the north!
Why would you bump this? This was just to see who was interested, I did say it may take a while for this to happen as I'm waiting on them :p /closed
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