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Legendary Weapons of Altera


King's Hand
Every Hans and Franz can have "legendary" enchantments.
I think only a person who is on this server for a very long time and did couple of "legendary" things.
It has something to do with the fact that this server have already a real history (old world aso.).
I don't know a person, hasn't seen the old world (and lived their), who is prominent enough to have a "legendary" weapon. Also I don't like that some people join Northern Kindoms ,grab an iron weapon and say that this weapon is legendary in the country they come from in their backstory. No player is prominant because he say it in his backstory...
Their is always a connection between OOC and RP in this case.


Lord of Altera
Legendary... It means it has something to do with legends, and legends belong to backstories, therefore anyone can have legendary weapons.


A treasure may be a leaf to one person. To another, it's just a leaf.
Take my axe: Nothing speacail. But my treasure. I can't lose it, or I have to find it. I cannot replace it.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
but, and this goes back to the too many heros issue, when everyones weapon is legendary nothings special. Swords with a history etc or sentimental value are fine but not every sword with an enchant can be a hugely powerful weapon in rp


That's...why mine has no enchantment.
It's not the weapon that fights, or shows off. If it has an enchantment, cool, but does it have the skilled user to use it?


King's Hand
A treasure may be a leaf to one person. To another, it's just a leaf.
Take my axe: Nothing speacail. But my treasure. I can't lose it, or I have to find it. I cannot replace it.
Thats have nothing to do with an legendary weapon. Legendary weapons are legendary for all people.

Legendary... It means it has something to do with legends, and legends belong to backstories, therefore anyone can have legendary weapons.
Nope, it has something to do with legends that take place in Altera.

I think their should be a system to connect legendary stuff and power with the OOC history on the server.
For example the limit of magic. Of course anyone should be able to play a mage on HW, but I think we should introduce a system, that you only have very basic magic (produce little fire with the power of thoughts) at the beginning and after 2-4 month you can improve your character to battle magic (throwing fireballs at enemies). If someone played 2-4 month on HW I think he knows enough about the server to know how he can act with this ability.


Lord of Altera
Legendary weapons aren't legendary for all people. For example, me and many others don't give a dirt about the above weapons.

Good luck with your huge plans, they're easier said than done.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
  1. Of, described in, or based on legends.
  2. Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known.

(Noun) A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.
(Adjective) Very well known: "his speed was legend".
(Synonyms) fable - story - tale - inscription - myth




King's Hand
Legendary weapons aren't legendary for all people. For example, me and many others don't give a dirt about the above weapons.

Good luck with your huge plans, they're easier said than done.
I never said that I think the weapons above are all legendary...
Of course I won't ever happen, but I tried to clearifce my point about the connection between the OCC and RP awareness level.


Someone might go into my tomb in three years and look at my worn out axe and say:

"Hey! Gromm Wake the II used this in -blah blah blah."
It's legendary, if you think it is.
For example, someone killed NobleAssassan and took Ki-Shan's bow. It's now somewhere, god knows where, but in a room, being used as a trophy, because it has a past.

It was legendary to NobleAssassan (My mate) because it has his name on it.


Lord of Altera
this all grinds down to sentimental value of the items past or if not its overall worth, let me tell you this is neither an auction or an authenticity contest, were asking for blades and weapons that are embedded within the seeds of ALTERA not you.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Clashing opinions aren't going to improve the thread...

Best bet? Wait for Draco to clarify his original meaning.


I think Legendary is the word, because my mate is awesome, he wouldn't say a word like 'important'.


Lord of Altera
  1. Of, described in, or based on legends.
  2. Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known.

(Noun) A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.
(Adjective) Very well known: "his speed was legend".
(Synonyms) fable - story - tale - inscription - myth


1. A item, object or person mentioned in legends
2. Usually useless
3. Complete waste of money and time
4. Even dirt is more useful

1. (Camicaxe) A story, myth or any other writing
2. (Camicaxe) Usually useless
3. (Camicaxe) Rarely written well
4. (Camicaxe) Most likely argued over
5. (Camicaxe) Not worth a dirt

Death, (and)
The mad bomber
