Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Need to find people online same time i am to approve


Legend of Altera
Hi, basically i wish to have my half elf "unlock" his hidden potential and become what he was always supposed to be in RP terms ... a tiefling ... would this be allowed in game if i could RP it ... tiefings would be HEAVILY discriminated and abused for being themselves but have superior intellect, minor magical ability unless they wish to follow it and great strength ... they are resistant to fire but highly vulnerable to the cold... i played one in dnd and i wish to play as one here... do hope a response is sent soon


Legend of Altera
well honestly it wouldn't matter as if i were to become a tiefling i wouldnt be a half race any more


Legend of Altera
well tieflings are basically born as normal but sometime during their life, like a second puberty they alter in shape and ability as in a scrawny boy may change into a strong tall tiefling


Sorrows Warrior
I'm pretty sure the D&D tieflings (for that's what you're referring to) aren't in the lore. Your character can be possessed by a demon though, if it's RP'd well and the loremasters approve of it. But there's been a lot of possessing lately, so I kind of doubt the loremasters want more.


Legend of Altera
the D&D lore states that they can erupt at any age and any generation can be afflicted by a demon i.e. great great great grandparents could have ... it doesnt change the person just makes them less trust worthy because people get scared of them


Sorrows Warrior
the D&D lore states that they can erupt at any age and any generation can be afflicted by a demon i.e. great great great grandparents could have ... it doesnt change the person just makes them less trust worthy because people get scared of them
You missed my point; This isn't D&D, and tieflings aren't in the Alteran lore.


Legend of Altera
hence this post has gone up asking if i am allowed to be one ... the first point ... i am asking, not saying ... i'd love to be a tiefling and apparently others have already been allowed as far as i'm aware and i'd RP it quite well to be honest ... but that isnt my point ... my point is that i dont have to be a tiefling, but i would like to be allowed to be one in Alteria ... doesnt even have to be called a tiefling, could just be plain and simple nether spawn


Legend of Altera
apparently upon asking sally in game it can be classed as a darkblood, but the idea behind that would be that my ancestors "fornicated" a long time ago and somehow it flared up in me


Lord of Altera
If you're introducing a new race to Altera, I think you need consent from 5 admin(methinks). Also, a lot of high quality lore would need to be written.


King ForumStalker
Tieflings are a fictional race in the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game.
Tieflings were originally introduced as humans with demonic ancestry.
Tieflings are not in our lore and after our previous scraps with "demon possessed or demon infused people" I doubt we'll have anything similar.

If you're dead set on this, you have two options;

  • Make an application to myself and Legion to play as a non-standard race, including information as to why you want to play the race and how the race would exist in our world.
  • Have a look at our Darkblood lore and see if that suits your needs.


Legend of Altera
i have actually looked at all of the lores and one that is even better and suits how i want to play perfectly is the flame blessed ... now i am wondering whether i should just be a level 3 there and then or get approval for level 4


Legend of Altera
i have decided to do an IGD (or my char wanders off and become a level 3 flame blessed by the name of ... Talon Searheart