Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Sherbzz Head Inn


The Arbiter of the Gods
Greetings, traveller! May your journeys be happy and meaningful, and may you step by Daggerfall's Inn; Sherbzz Head!

Sherbzz Head is a high quality inn, but with cheap products. We've got everything, including a working juke box, not like what you may see over at our competitors', and a dance floor, as well as drink. Far more drink than your livers can handle!

Sherbzz Head.png


Retired Staff
Does it have Sherbzz' head on a spike above the door? If not, it doesn't honor its name...


King ForumStalker
If you look at that awning above the doorway, there are 2 Sherbzz heads underneath that, as well as one on the jukebox.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Sherbzz Head Inside.png
Sherbzz Head is currently looking for employees, especially seeing the busy period that may be coming up, so it's your chance to find a job.

Application structure:
IG Name:
RP Name:
Chosen Profession:
Why would you be good at it?:
Any additional details:


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
as the appointed mayor of port silver (sherbzz did this a couple of weeks ago) I order both to exist


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yeah, that's what's considered as "bootiful" nowadays it seems, I'm just going with the flow :p

Also, let both exist then xD


The conversion of the town hall to this was fun to watch ;)

Still good luck getting people to move over from the lamb!