Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Game Of Crowns

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El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Just a question, not totally out of the subject, but I'm just curious : how is a player designed as an inactive house member ?... Is it by last connection time ? Or something more RP wise ?...


The Arbiter of the Gods
*clasps his hands together and rubs them, smiling and looking from house to house*

You're all my friends, did you know?


The Arbiter of the Gods
How does this sound for becoming a monarch?

Accuse any other contestant of High Treason and destroy every last possible bit of opposition, ensure you've got full council support by putting the your most loyal people as council representatives. Strengthen the Royal Army so that there is no one who could possibly even think of trying to take you out, and start the witch hunts on anything that may prove to be a danger to Altera and yourself. Slowly start taking out the magic of Altera, by chipping away through smaller laws that will eventually lead to destruction of magic as a whole. Slowly take control over religion by either having the Arbiter on your side or killing him.

Heheh.... I give you cookies!


Loyal Servant of Altera
But jokes aside if I run in the GoC and the slim chance I won I would persecute Kilrox supporters and all of those who support evil themed gods.
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