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Arianna Rose Phoenix

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Lord of Altera
Name: Arianna Rose Phoenix
Nickname/Alias: Ari, Little Rose, Child
Age: Her age is unknown to her, being abandoned at birth no one bothered remembering her birthday. She appears around 5 years old.
Gender: Female
Race: High Elf
Build: Arianna is very thin and short for an elf. She was malnourished as an infant and has a difficultly gaining any weight.
Hair: Black, like her fathers.
Eyes: Her eyes are red, like her father's..
Skin: Pale, much like her father’s.
Tattoos/Scars: On Arianna’s right wrist she has a scar that appears to be made from a sword.
Distinguishing Features: In her physical relationship to her father’s appearance, Arianna is automatically known as the Pyromancer’s daughter. A scary thought for her to roaming with his enemies being about.
Physical Flaws: Being short and thin, Arianna has difficulty fending her self with a face-to-face combat or lifting anything that weighs more then a third of her weight
Physical Qualities: An advantage of being her size is that she can be quiet stealthy, squeeze through small areas.
Clothes: She wears a ragged dress, which she has outgrown. The dress is black and red.
Hygiene: Arianna is fairly clean, but does have some sort of smelly odor lingering around her.
Voice: A sweet innocent voice. Definitely.. cute..
Family Heritage:
Her father is Basil Brush Phoenix, the Pyromancer.
Her mother is Valerie.
Disabilities/Illnesses: Arianna used to suffer from being a Darkblood, as of now she is healthyish.
Intelligence Level: Arianna has a high intelligence level for a child. She knows when she should stay quiet.
Known Languages: Elvish
Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: She is afraid of bats, and drunken people. She is terrified that her father will abandon her.
Color: Pink
Food/drinks: Cookies/Milk
Animal: Cats
Activity: Drawing
Person: Her Father
Least Favorite:
Color: Orange
Food/drinks: Carrots/Alcohol
Animal: Bats
Activity: Being inTime-outs
Person: Albarath Hawklight


Lord of Altera
An infant left encased in a blanket associated with the insanity of a new mother. A child left to die in the frosty air of winter because of the actions of an unfaithful father. Basil Brush Phoenix, a bizarre pyromancer, was engaged to Valerie Rose Nilson before his interest in the sane Valerie diminished resulting in an affair. With Basil diminished feelings for Valerie lug a new woman. An insane woman, who ventured away from the accursed memories of her previous romance, delivered a daughter mirroring the man who she was trying to escape. She walked through a grim forest, laughing, chanting, begging the gods to rid of this child. This child that possessed a bold pair of blood red eyes, black curly hair, and a pale innocent face. Valerie grinned with a deranged smile, craving for a solution. Setting the child deep inside a thick forest, she abandoned her responsibilities. Leaving all her worries behind, a child shivering in a thin blanket awaiting death when a tall figure appears in the distance.
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