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Who is your favourite Champion?


The White Mage
They nerfed Lee Sin?!?!

(Finally, my prayers have been answered!)

No offence, I just hate playing against him XD Its like he's impossible to kill for me, a misconception formed in my early days of LoL which has remained as a fear ever since :)


The original mute
They merged lee sin? Really? Cause he can still out perform a ranged mid-_-. Yeah lol isn't about skill anymore, just which team can dish out the largest amount of damage the quickest.


Lord of Altera
Lee sin is one of the most dynamic and well made champions in my opinion. The amount of plays you can make with him out of thin air is stunning, the only champion i say can match his skillcap is nidalee, which both are my favorites xD


The original mute
The problem isn't his skullcap, but the damage he can do in a short time is just too much early game, he balances out late game, but unless you hard counter him in lane in some way you've basically lost the game with a skilled player.


Lord of Altera
Thats right, im not sure if he is that op anymore though, i feel like they nerfed him quite hard. I knew it was coming though, but its always sad to see one of your favorite champions get nerfed :'(


The original mute
Thats right, im not sure if he is that op anymore though, i feel like they nerfed him quite hard. I knew it was coming though, but its always sad to see one of your favorite champions get nerfed :'(
He's still as badass as ever, but no it's possible to counter him if you know how. Rather than if you floundered around you got face stomped. What I hate more than anything though, is when they rebuild a champions abilities, ruining the appeal of said champion before.


Lord of Altera
I never liked twitch for an example, but completely changing his skillset really made me dislike him even more..

Alex Rudi

I was always partial to Varus
Ever try Varus as an AP Mid?
The build is Malady, Berserker's Graves, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Nashor's Tooth, Runaan's Hurricane, Rabadon's Deathcap. Your main damage is on-hit magic damage from Malady and your W's first passive, both scaling with AP. When bursting, you stack blight 3 times and then use skills to detonate them. That damage is based on max health % and scales with AP as magic damage. Your ult also has a 1:1 scaling.

Basically, you're able to burst quite a bit of people down as you can do roughly 30+ % damage from detonating blight alone.

On topic: I love Fiora because of how deadly she is with Crit. If you focus her build on crit, while still having one bloodthirster built, you can do 1,000+ damage crits at end game, with the best attack speed steroid in the game. Most people don't understand that she is a melee AD Carry. She is not a bruiser, however her damage potential is far beyond that of most other AD Carries.


Lord of Altera
I forgot to mention singed!

First of all he is very different from all other champions in that nearly all champions require you to focus damage at them in either the form of an aimed skillshot, aoe, on target abilities or basic attacks while singeds main damage output comes from him pressing /l then popping ult and ghost and then proceeding by charging headfirst into the enemy team. Lategame he is an incredibly powerful champion with very underrated cc from his glue, fling and /l. Defenitly one of the most unique and fun champions. everyone who havent yet should give him a go!
I forgot to mention singed!

First of all he is very different from all other champions in that nearly all champions require you to focus damage at them in either the form of an aimed skillshot, aoe, on target abilities or basic attacks while singeds main damage output comes from him pressing /l then popping ult and ghost and then proceeding by charging headfirst into the enemy team. Lategame he is an incredibly powerful champion with very underrated cc from his glue, fling and /l. Defenitly one of the most unique and fun champions. everyone who havent yet should give him a go!
P.S. to anyone that doesn't know, singed is one of the few champs in LoL that can lift :eek:


Lord of Altera
Ive started working on a build on my ranked singed in the build section. but its slow due to being on my phone xd