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[Islands] The Gemstone Isles


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name:skyguy99
2.Roleplay name: Valandil
3.Roleplay age: 187 (elves live a long time, and 187 is young to elves)
4.Roleplay race:Wood Elf
5.What can you bring to the Isles: (Are you usefull to town progress by opening a store, or having a farm for emample, just want a home, or maybe something else?) i could plant more trees open a shop and help in anyway i can, also i could build a mother tree for all elves (it would take time)
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: because i want to get away from all the fighting and i want to have one place to stay instead of moving every night because of bandits
Accepted, You seems to be a usefull guy to have around, meet me in game sometime and we'll get you a place for your house/tree or something.


Lord of Altera
Well, this needs Re-doing.

Minecraft Name: wakerman4
Roleplay Name: Mr. Bryce O'malley
Roleplay age: Young, but unknown.
Roleplay Race: Human, we think.
What can you bring to the the isles: The isle has been long without a town sheriff. I suggest myself to that position. Also, I can bring lots of resources. I've hoarded many things, moving around, so I can finally dump give them to someone/town.
Why do you want to join the Isle: Peaceful, it's nice, I'd like to help out....oh bugger it. OOC: I love the isles, miss it, want to go back.
Think I told you the other day...
Just get back already!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Accepted, You seems to be a usefull guy to have around, meet me in game sometime and we'll get you a place for your house/tree or something.
my GMT is +11 so if u live in america or somewhere like that we might meet at midnight :p


Legend of Altera
1.Minecraft name: alexandregd
2.Roleplay name: Arthur Dent
3.Roleplay age: 20
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: A Bard for the tavern when open, and if none make a tavern, a tavern itself
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: Becuase this place looks like a nice place to live and I am kinda... Homeless now, and islands full of tress and vegetation are awesome, everyone know that.


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: alexandregd
2.Roleplay name: Arthur Dent
3.Roleplay age: 20
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: A Bard for the tavern when open, and if none make a tavern, a tavern itself
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: Becuase this place looks like a nice place to live and I am kinda... Homeless now, and islands full of tress and vegetation are awesome, everyone know that.
We already have a Tavern and I'm sure you could be a Bard there, I'll need Lemarc to accept you first but I'm sure he will. ;)


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: alexandregd
2.Roleplay name: Arthur Dent
3.Roleplay age: 20
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: A Bard for the tavern when open, and if none make a tavern, a tavern itself
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: Becuase this place looks like a nice place to live and I am kinda... Homeless now, and islands full of tress and vegetation are awesome, everyone know that.
Accepted, I'm pretty much sure you'll like it around, meet me in game and we'll find you a place for your house! I'm fine with you if you want to be a bard at the tavern, and if something happend that we can't meet in game for some reason, just ask around the isles if you meet someone, or just ask me on my profile.

1.Minecraft name: bleyjo
2.Roleplay name: Bleyjo Hardwood
3.Roleplay age: 21
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: Happiness.... Life.....
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: To have a place to stay. Better than in a major city, Bleyjo just wants a place not too busy, but equally not to quiet. A place to sleep, a place to live.
Accepted, seems fair enough, meet me in game, we'll try to find some place to your liking. If something happend and we can't meet in game, ask around the isles for someone to help you, or ask me on my profile.


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Hatanu
2.Roleplay name: Hatanu
3.Roleplay age: 16
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: I don't have any idea as to what I can bring to the Isles until I find out what I'm skilled in. But for now, I'll try to help out with any tasks that are needed to be done.
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: I would like to join the Isles because I need a home in this land. I've only just arrived in this land , and I've been searching for a home ever since. When I came across this town on the Altera Census, I got curious as to what this place was, how it looks like, and how friendly are the residents. When I finally visited the Gemstone Isles, the place took me by surprise. To me, it's a perfect place to build a house and call it home. This is why I would like to join the Gemstone Isles.


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Hatanu
2.Roleplay name: Hatanu
3.Roleplay age: 16
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: I don't have any idea as to what I can bring to the Isles until I find out what I'm skilled in. But for now, I'll try to help out with any tasks that are needed to be done.
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: I would like to join the Isles because I need a home in this land. I've only just arrived in this land , and I've been searching for a home ever since. When I came across this town on the Altera Census, I got curious as to what this place was, how it looks like, and how friendly are the residents. When I finally visited the Gemstone Isles, the place took me by surprise. To me, it's a perfect place to build a house and call it home. This is why I would like to join the Gemstone Isles.
Accepted, By the time I looked at this, you already have a house on the Isles! I'm very glad that you like it here, and I'm sure I speak for every resident when I say that we wish you a long stay on the isles!


Lord of Altera
Hey um Lemarc, could you do a list of residents at the start of this thread. I mean how many people do we have now, which Isle do they live on and what's their role in Gemstone life?


Lord of Altera
Sure, I'll add it to the main thing once it's done...
Which will be finished by the time you read this.


Lord of Altera
You were too fast for me!
Anyway, the list is done now, I hope I placed everyone in it and that there's no mistakes.

the traveler

Settling in Altera
1 minecraft name: dehuntrr
2 roleplay name: Ha'thyn Drakeson
3 roleplay age: 130
4 roleplay race: Elf, High Elf to be more specific
5 what could you bring to the Isles?: well a friendly smile a decent smith and a person happy to work.
6 why do you want to join the Isles?: i want a home and am tired of roaming i also want to setup a blacksmith shop to sell my blades. i also want to be far away from all the fights on the mainland.


Lord of Altera
1 minecraft name: dehuntrr
2 roleplay name: Ha'thyn Drakeson
3 roleplay age: 130
4 roleplay race: Elf, High Elf to be more specific
5 what could you bring to the Isles?: well a friendly smile a decent smith and a person happy to work.
6 why do you want to join the Isles?: i want a home and am tired of roaming i also want to setup a blacksmith shop to sell my blades. i also want to be far away from all the fights on the mainland.
Meet me on the Isles before I accept anything, I've had a few people asking to join and I never met them so I'll just ask that of you before giving you perms and letting you choose a place to build your house on the Isles.


Lord of Altera
1 minecraft name: dehuntrr
2 roleplay name: Ha'thyn Drakeson
3 roleplay age: 130
4 roleplay race: Elf, High Elf to be more specific
5 what could you bring to the Isles?: well a friendly smile a decent smith and a person happy to work.
6 why do you want to join the Isles?: i want a home and am tired of roaming i also want to setup a blacksmith shop to sell my blades. i also want to be far away from all the fights on the mainland.
Accepted, Yup, everyting's alright, welcome to the isles!


1 - minecraft name: javalidourado
2 - rp name: Javali
3 - rp age: 20
4 - rp race: Human
5 - what could you bring to the isles: I love farming, building and smithing. I can bring food, comerce, weaponry, armors and as i love building, i was wandering if i can build a place for smiths, alchemists and artificers may gather and trade items and info.
6 - why do you want to join the isles: My smithing master lives there (dehuntrr), its a wonderfull place, full of nature and beauty. i'd love to fill the forest air with the music of the anvil and the scent of brand new craftings.