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Best Videogame music?


King ForumStalker
Yes Pokemon kirby... but specifically Mystery Dungeon 2. The only game (apart from it's predecessor) to ever make me cry, and the music plays a big part in that.

As you start to disappear, your partner weeping, this track plays, you get flashbacks of your journey... ;-; just listen...

Aside from that, it has really good music for dungeons and scenes, for example:

The final boss battle before Dialga, emotion and suspense, as well as a kickass soundtrack. Keep watching after the battle for some heart wrenching emotion ;-; (skip to 00:23 to dodge the intro):

And sound dungeon soundtracks:

Temporal Tower:

Spacial Rift/Chasm Cave:

Steam Cave:

And of course, the final boos battle with Dialga:

I've listened to a lot of these sound tracks that people have posted, but in my opinion this, along with the storyline and emotion, takes the cake.


Lord of Altera
God dangit cereal Itzza, I was going to get that game once I'd finished White 2!
May as well get it anyway, regardless of knowing the final outcome, I can still enjoy it.

Not that I really want to play Assassin's Creed, though, else I'll turn into an Orphan Assassin without knowing.


Lord of Altera
I don't really listen to the music in games... I just put on some dubstep and sit there headbanging while shooting out the brains of handicapped aliens.


Lord of Altera
The Legend of Zelda theme has to be my favourite:

Or maybe the start menu music for Skyrim:

Dan Bull did a great rap with pretty much the same music the same music:



Lord of Altera
Did you prefer the radio music or background?

I like launching the game, as the intro thing with the music is awesome :p

It's also relaxing to run around in the wastelands and suddenly one of the radio robot thingies pops up and plays music.

All the music is good. Whether it's the scary music when you run around in sewers and dark places, or old music from the radio and whatever. It's all good :)


Lord of Altera
Surprised nobody put this up yet...

Two Steps from Hell in Magicka!

But, even better than that in my opinion, is the Baldur's Gate theme music. Some of you may know Baldur's Gate, as the Enhanced Edition was somewhat recently released, but thumbs up for all those who still play the original that was released in 1998! :D

I remember dus music from my favourite game of all timez

Starting town - Palm brinks

Title theme - My favourite piece yet

Mini boss apearence music

The first dungeon theme

I really miss this game, I'd give anything to play it again. Funny thing is I have a copy sitting next to me, just that it's broken


Lord of Altera
Eternal Sonata, as most JRPGs, has beautiful soundtracks, like

And Morrowind is also great when it comes to music.


Lord of Altera
So I went to go pick out my favorite video game tracks to post here....
.....and came up with over a dozen; they're all just too good!

Pretty much anything Nobuo Uematsu has composed is guaranteed to be good (Final Fantasy, Lost Odyssey, Secret of Mana, among others); I particularly like his compositions from FF6 if we're going to be choosy, though (Forever Rachel is an incredibly moving piece).

I'm surprised no one's mentioned Metal Gear yet; some of those tracks are really good (Father & Son, for example).

Zelda music, as aforementioned, is epic (especially the Wind Waker tracks, imo), and I also concur that the Pokemon tracks are pretty good.

Demise of the Ritual is another really moving and fitting track I like (Shadow of the Colossus).

I could go on and on; there are just too many!!!


The Kingdom Crusher
Actually, I think TF2 music wouldn't count as actual game music, seeing as it's either derived from the main menu or from outside sources (Disregarding the MVM music that plays during the beginning/end of a match). So I recast my vote for Batman Arkham City. That music is a cross between atmospheric and just borderline surrealism of amazing.