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SImply, My appeal, and my reasons. [Unbanned - Scardrac]

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Legend of Altera
Well, as I've just been banned for speaking out yet again, but this time quite severely punished,
this is my appeal for an un-banning/my list of reasons and complaints of why I said what I said, and why I did what I did.

Well, as you can probably see with thanks to hawkeye, i was in /ch ooc2 with Camicaxe 'discussing' our issues with the staff team and voicing our problems to each other. I know in this conversation with him I used a variety of profane language/profanity, and I can assure you it was only due to me being angry and in the heat of the moment, I hope you understand this.

My main reasons for saying what I said (Something along the lines of 'Dear staff team, sort yourselves out, for the sake of the playerbase. -Fleecy.') Now i know this is a bit harsh and it has gotten me banned, but I felt I had to say something so drastic, as all of my previous attempts to make the staff change/alter their mindset have not made an impact upon them at all. Was it needed? Part of me thinks that it was fairly pathetic in hindsight, yet another part of me still feels it was necessary. The staff team have had a tendency to 'hold grudges' against me and made very hurtful comments as a result of this.

In the past, staff members such as Chaoticdog, Moochick, and others have made racial comments about the fact that I am Welsh, and the common association that we tend to do some unsavory things with sheep. (Sorry, I have to put it bluntly.) Personally I cannot remember exactly what Chaotic said as I have forgiven him due to his formal apology, and I am respectful of this. Moochick's comment on the other hand was more recent and fresher in my memory. We were talking in TS and she said 'I don't see the sheep king'. (I also acknowledge that I used a harsh insult in my retaliation, as I called her a; 'Racist piece of sh-' (I actually typed sh-, no actual profanity was used, yet it's just as bad.) The one thing i cannot stand about this incident was the lack of respect and sincerity in her apology, No forum message, no real heart behind it, not even the word sorry. Her only reason/the only thing she said to me afterwards was 'I never knew there was an association between the welsh and sheep. If i may be so harsh, Yeah Right. It's known worldwide as derogatory term against the Welsh people, and i get insults from individuals on a daily basis, it sickens me. When i come on HollowWorld to speak with my friends, to RP and so on, i expect a feeling of equality and I expect nothing along the lines of racism from everyone on the server. I was clearly wrong, I should, and I recommend you all do too, remember there is never a place such as this, and that we should always be watchful of those around us. Not all people should be trusted. Also, speaking of equality, recently more than usual, there have been incidents i have personally seen where staff members look upon the playerbase as if they are Inferior to them. They simply take away their rights to things and treat them as an inferior race. This is something i cannot condone. Again, in hindsight I'm sure it was a mere bit of poking fun and I was just seeing it wrongly as I tend to see the staff as, not-so-nice people after past events.

I hate to endanger my chances of an un-ban here but if I am to speak my mind I am now going to list staff members and then note any grievances I have with them. First of all, ironically, sorry about this but:

-Cubeydoom - Cubey has always had a little something against me since my re-joining after a lengthy six-month break. I know I'm sure she has good reason to, I can sometimes be a bit of a pain and I am sorry for this. Yet sometimes Cubey has taken this a little too far, and banned me/warned me for ridiculous reasons. A month or two back, i had a tendency to quote the rage-comics endings with 'fffuuuuuu-' whenever I w/c'd. Cubey warned me several times for this and I know these were legitimate warns. Later on after I acknowledged these weren't appropriate I began saying 'Fudge, w/c' instead. Still Cubey banned me for this. I feel this was very wrong and I still haven't had the chance to talk this out with her. Which is why i bring it up now, sorry Cubey.

-Moochick, Chaoticdog, and other racially mean staff members - As listed before i cannot stand racism against my kind. Chaoticdog is no longer a problem, we're good now, but the others still need sorting. There have been other incidents of people making racial comments but i tried not to take note, Moochick's incident is fresh in my mind though.

-Abbeyvie - This is only a minor incident but I'm going to put it here anyway. On Friday March 1st, (Welsh National Holiday of Saint David's day.) Abbey refused me any rights of profits from a testificate shop located in the capital as she bought every last product. Then the owner of the shop, Ninjaikotoba, pretended to be unable to hear me through TS just to get out of trouble. I later left.

-Sherbzz - (I think that's his name?) A high up person in the server, yet he has no right to literally scream and shout at me over TS. I changed my TS name from FleecyWelshGez, to WoolenWelshGeraint. He claimed it is hard to admin when you don't know who you're talking to. I asked him earlier on why i had to change it back. I heard no reply. Approximately 10 minutes later he joined Channel 1 and started to shout at me and used very 'inappropriate' language, or very nearly anyway. He joined and said 'Oi, you cocky little- (Guess what he would've said.) and began his lengthy, hurtful speech, then later left. There were other people present such as SilentWindara, but considering me telling the staff to sort themselves out, I can imagine not a single person will back me up. Not, a single, one.

I am personally happy with other members of staff, yet if I have forgotten any points I wish to put across, I will post them in the comments (i think) of this post.

Thank you for your consideration, please do not have a bias, and if you were mentioned in the list above, i hope that it won't change your opinion at the end of the day, even though your original opinion will be to leave me banned.

(Also I will not be able to speak on TS regarding this as my house is not very private when it comes to the computer, so all possible upcoming discussions will have to be through text.)

Thank you.

-Geraint Jenkins.

Dark Auras

Well, as I've just been banned for speaking out yet again, but this time quite severely punished,
this is my appeal for an un-banning/my list of reasons and complaints of why I said what I said, and why I did what I did.

Well, as you can probably see with thanks to hawkeye, i was in /ch ooc2 with Camicaxe 'discussing' our issues with the staff team and voicing our problems to each other. I know in this conversation with him I used a variety of profane language/profanity, and I can assure you it was only due to me being angry and in the heat of the moment, I hope you understand this.

My main reasons for saying what I said (Something along the lines of 'Dear staff team, sort yourselves out, for the sake of the playerbase. -Fleecy.') Now i know this is a bit harsh and it has gotten me banned, but I felt I had to say something so drastic, as all of my previous attempts to make the staff change/alter their mindset have not made an impact upon them at all. Was it needed? Part of me thinks that it was fairly pathetic in hindsight, yet another part of me still feels it was necessary. The staff team have had a tendency to 'hold grudges' against me and made very hurtful comments as a result of this.

In the past, staff members such as Chaoticdog, Moochick, and others have made racial comments about the fact that I am Welsh, and the common association that we tend to do some unsavory things with sheep. (Sorry, I have to put it bluntly.) Personally I cannot remember exactly what Chaotic said as I have forgiven him due to his formal apology, and I am respectful of this. Moochick's comment on the other hand was more recent and fresher in my memory. We were talking in TS and she said 'I don't see the sheep king'. (I also acknowledge that I used a harsh insult in my retaliation, as I called her a; 'Racist piece of sh-' (I actually typed sh-, no actual profanity was used, yet it's just as bad.) The one thing i cannot stand about this incident was the lack of respect and sincerity in her apology, No forum message, no real heart behind it, not even the word sorry. Her only reason/the only thing she said to me afterwards was 'I never knew there was an association between the welsh and sheep. If i may be so harsh, Yeah Right. It's known worldwide as derogatory term against the Welsh people, and i get insults from individuals on a daily basis, it sickens me. When i come on HollowWorld to speak with my friends, to RP and so on, i expect a feeling of equality and I expect nothing along the lines of racism from everyone on the server. I was clearly wrong, I should, and I recommend you all do too, remember there is never a place such as this, and that we should always be watchful of those around us. Not all people should be trusted. Also, speaking of equality, recently more than usual, there have been incidents i have personally seen where staff members look upon the playerbase as if they are Inferior to them. They simply take away their rights to things and treat them as an inferior race. This is something i cannot condone. Again, in hindsight I'm sure it was a mere bit of poking fun and I was just seeing it wrongly as I tend to see the staff as, not-so-nice people after past events.

I hate to endanger my chances of an un-ban here but if I am to speak my mind I am now going to list staff members and then note any grievances I have with them. First of all, ironically, sorry about this but:

-Cubeydoom - Cubey has always had a little something against me since my re-joining after a lengthy six-month break. I know I'm sure she has good reason to, I can sometimes be a bit of a pain and I am sorry for this. Yet sometimes Cubey has taken this a little too far, and banned me/warned me for ridiculous reasons. A month or two back, i had a tendency to quote the rage-comics endings with 'fffuuuuuu-' whenever I w/c'd. Cubey warned me several times for this and I know these were legitimate warns. Later on after I acknowledged these weren't appropriate I began saying 'Fudge, w/c' instead. Still Cubey banned me for this. I feel this was very wrong and I still haven't had the chance to talk this out with her. Which is why i bring it up now, sorry Cubey.

-Moochick, Chaoticdog, and other racially mean staff members - As listed before i cannot stand racism against my kind. Chaoticdog is no longer a problem, we're good now, but the others still need sorting. There have been other incidents of people making racial comments but i tried not to take note, Moochick's incident is fresh in my mind though.

-Abbeyvie - This is only a minor incident but I'm going to put it here anyway. On Friday March 1st, (Welsh National Holiday of Saint David's day.) Abbey refused me any rights of profits from a testificate shop located in the capital as she bought every last product. Then the owner of the shop, Ninjaikotoba, pretended to be unable to hear me through TS just to get out of trouble. I later left.

-Sherbzz - (I think that's his name?) A high up person in the server, yet he has no right to literally scream and shout at me over TS. I changed my TS name from FleecyWelshGez, to WoolenWelshGeraint. He claimed it is hard to admin when you don't know who you're talking to. I asked him earlier on why i had to change it back. I heard no reply. Approximately 10 minutes later he joined Channel 1 and started to shout at me and used very 'inappropriate' language, or very nearly anyway. He joined and said 'Oi, you cocky little- (Guess what he would've said.) and began his lengthy, hurtful speech, then later left. There were other people present such as SilentWindara, but considering me telling the staff to sort themselves out, I can imagine not a single person will back me up. Not, a single, one.

I am personally happy with other members of staff, yet if I have forgotten any points I wish to put across, I will post them in the comments (i think) of this post.

Thank you for your consideration, please do not be biased, and if you were mentioned in the list above, i hope that it won't change your opinion at the end of the day, even though your original opinion will be to leave me banned.

(Also I will not be able to speak on TS regarding this as my house is not very private when it comes to the computer, so all possible upcoming discussions will have to be through text.)

Thank you.

-Geraint Jenkins.
Im not quite sure where to start with this.
The staff are here to run the server as smoothly. And they do that. Youre judging a group of people over the actions of the few.

We are not robots! We do mess up once or twice but you should not characterize people in this prospective. If you pulled everything from everyones past, everyone would hate everyone else. And because of these actions that you've decided to bring up from the past youre judging a team, making us look bad when you call us out in ooc.

I'm sick of all this crap from you. I've had to deal with you before and I know this kind of thing has happened many times before. We kept giving you chances to stop but you've ruint them. Why should we let you back on to talk bad about us again?

Saying stuff about us doesn't get anything done, so why do it?

Sigh Fleecy, I hoped it wouldn't come to your banning but you needed to stop and if it takes a ban to stop you then it just shows you dont listen to the staff at all.

Kind regards,


Legend of Altera
Well look I get it, I can be a bit of a pain when it comes to my problems and I call them out to everyone to try get my point across. The reason I call 'all' staff members into this, is that whenever i have a problem, it only rarely gets sorted. And if it isnt sorted/happens again in the future i ask the question 'Why has nothing changed?' and seeing as I can't point out a single staff member, I call upon them all, for answers, yet I never get any, it's just 'Fleecy shut up or I'll ban you.'


King ForumStalker
You stated several times that Chaoticdog is a staff member, he isn't.

As for what Cubey has stated, I see it perfectly legitimate that you were warned for that. Euphamisms really arent needed, these words are censored for a reason and using a similar word to get around that isn't any better.

As for Moo, if you weren't satisfied with her apology, why didn't you speak to another staff member about it, one that you trust? I put this thread up a while ago:
directed at incidents exactly like this so that you could discuss such issues without fear of bias. I don't see any reason why I am not trustworthy, i've never had issues with you, is it just because i'm staff?

As for Sherbzz, the reason he did that is because it is a rule in TeamSpeak that you should have your TS username the same as your MC username to help moderation, and it has been a rule for some time now. I admit maybe the profanities were too far but I feel they could have been avoided but if you had done what was asked then it wouldn't have happened anyways.

As with Abbey, i'm not even sure what you mean by Right of Profits, you'll need to explain it to me.

Also, if you have only issues with some staff members, best not to throw all staff under one banner as you did with some of your comments, tends to throw the majority against you.

I hope you take what I have said into consideration.


Legend of Altera
Personally, (and respectfully saying, not being arrogant) i respect the points you put across, but, it wouldnt change anything in this situation if I were to take your points into consideration, after all it's not my choice if I come back or not, that's all down to you lot. And if I do come back, I'll separate the good from the bad, and not have everyone 'under one banner' like you said.


Lord of Altera
After seeing all this i want to back up fleecy alittle here, i have not seen or heard any of the listed happenings, but i do know that fleecy is both a nice guy, a good rper and and an active member of the server. If he would just be allowed onto the server and make up with the people he has had grudges with i think we could just play along happily knowing we have +1 good addition to our sever.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
After seeing all this i want to back up fleecy alittle here, i have not seen or heard any of the listed happenings, but i do know that fleecy is both a nice guy, a good rper and and an active member of the server. If he would just be allowed onto the server and make up with the people he has had grudges with i think we could just play along happily knowing we have +1 good addition to our sever.
I know I'm not really involved in the issue itself, so apologies in advance for my comment, but I have known Fleecy on Hollowworld for a long while, I have to agree with Anithola here.

Dark Auras

I think this would'nt of turned out so badly if Fleecy would of just told us before the first time it happened and not continued on it before.

I am a strong believer in second chances and I understand how it feels to be in these situations.

+1 for unban. But, only IF these get sorted with the Admins forementioned and this kind of thing can never happen again. If it happens again I do not think people will be lenient with you.

Dark Auras

No, youre not.
+1 for unban generally doesn't mean anything it just shows opinion from people. I've been involved with this before so I voiced that I think you deserve another chance under the conditions I put out.


As for being the one who banned you... I'm going to pitch in.

We have no problem with you not liking a certain staff member. We have a problem when you take one person and you take it out on the staff team.
When you say things like "I get a lot of crap from the staff team."...
It gives us the impression that you don't like what we're doing to support the community. And when you said when you left with Cami... It set me off.
I have no problem with you coming back at all, you're a great guy and I'd hate to see you go.
The staff team has their jobs, and they do it right... As said before, we do make mistakes and we do have our opinions.

I'd say you should be let back in, but next time know that the staff team is here for a reason and we do our jobs.
As for your racist joke problems... I'm not sure entirely what happens, but if you need someone to talk to, or to report something to... Talk to me, and I'll see what should happen.

Dark Auras

Also, sorry to bring this up but you better watch what you say. I just looked at your status update from the 13th of January and it really ticked me off.


Legend of Altera
Also, sorry to bring this up but you better watch what you say. I just looked at your status update from the 13th of January and it really ticked me off.
That was just after I left the server and left TS after various incidents, I left to stop me from saying anything stupid and get myself banned, but obviously that's only built up within me up to now when i let it all out. Again. That's another thing about me. A psychologist described it as a cup under a dripping tap. Each drop being a problem, and the cup being my ability to hold problems/feelings etc. inside. After a while the cup will overflow drastically with too many problems built up inside the cup/me. Whereas if I'd emptied that cup earlier, there wouldn't be a sudden outbreak of, well, 'Me'.


Well, I've thought a bit... And I think you deserve the second chance.
I do hope you learned something from this, to keep you from the same trouble.
Welcome back Fleecy.


Stop worrying, Everything is OK..
Fleecy how dare you paint me as the wrong do'er! I asked you on TS to change your name and you didn't, you ignored my request so I then kicked you asking you to change your name, and you came straight back on and said "thanks for that!" And immediately changed channel before I could respond! I then followed you and yes in an angry tone told you not to backchat me and then explained why i kicked you and why you needed to change your name!!!
Welcome back!
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