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Syrien Capped

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We should be getting 12-15 slots soon, so that means there will be 2-5 open slots soon. At them moment all 10 syrien slots are full =/

We'll let everyone know though!


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
We should be getting 12-15 slots soon, so that means there will be 2-5 open slots soon. At them moment all 10 syrien slots are full =/

We'll let everyone know though!
Mmmmmnnn there is yet no intention in the lore team to raise the cap from 10.
Im unsure where you got your info though.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Mmmmmnnn there is yet no intention in the lore team to raise the cap from 10.
Im unsure where you got your info though.
The Nakam have 15 slots, as per the original agreement- Though, as I've stated a thousand times in the official Nakam threads, this is subject to change, depending on what you guys want.

Currently, there are only about 8 active Nakam, and I have no intention on accepting anyone unless they blow my mind.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Nakam and Syrie caps are unrelated.
Besides, Syrie are meant to be even more rare than Nakam.
(as they are even farther on the fringe)


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I think there are probably more Syrien and Nakam currently than there are Elves and Dwarves... :confused: Which is rather concerning.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yeah, but if you think of the times when 10 out of 50 people on are Syrien, and another 5 is Nakam, it can pose some issues, considering that, as stated above, they were supposed to be special.


Lord of Altera
The 'rare' races are now outnumbering the core races. I know of maybe 2 Caparii and I've seen around 1 Greyling and what, there's 1 Halfling I think. I know the Dwarves arn't doing the best either and it seems we've mostly got Elves and Humans on the server right now... I love the Syrien and Nakam races, but as there meant to be rare they seem a little too...common right now? We've got a hype now on these rare races but in all honesty, I think RPing as some of the core races is a brilliant experience. I've only roleplayed as a Dwarf myself as I only have 1 account and have sentiment for my character now, but the versatility which can be created by the core races is just really fun to endorse and maybe should be shown to more of the server?

Edit: I prattled there...sorry ;_;


There is now 1 free syrien slot. Jade Oceana/FlamigCwookie has been withdrawn.

That aught to clear things up a bit. If any more people wanted to be syrien its simple i guess, remove the inactive ones. Abbey did ask me to play an alt, but its simply not fair holding two slots, and i see many people more than interested in the place, so there you go... try not to kill eachother over it.

Also there is indeed two syrien that are Almost never online... So make our numbers 8 pretty much.

Edit: Just to clarify, one space open, and 7/9 of us are active.


so why not cap it at that?
Im doing it to allow at least one more person to enjoy it. Just because im dropping something i enjoyed very much in kindness to allow another instead, doesnt mean i want the cap lowering. Just because you dont like the race doesnt mean other people wouldent literaly fight to be a part of it.

what if someone were to say there could only be 5 bandits or 20 elfs... You know its alright for some, but unfair for others if you understand?

Im just trying to think of this from a players perspective... I mean, have you seen the application process involved for the race races :eek:
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