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Pokémon Story RPG


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff

*Attempts to join*
MC Name: TheDeester
Player Name (Name of your character): Leon
Player Age* (Age of your character): 15
Standing**: Neutralish or Righteous
MC Name: QriHyewon
Player Name (Name of your character): Serah
Player Age* (Age of your character): 21
Standing** (Is your character righteous, neutral or uncaring?): Righteous
MC Name: QriHyewon
Player Name (Name of your character): Serah
Player Age* (Age of your character): 21
Standing** (Is your character righteous, neutral or uncaring?): Righteous
I decided to post my backstory for my character here.


Serah, a young wise girl that longed for a chance to search the world of Pokemon and becoming a trainer. When Serah was younger, she saw the dangers in Pokemons that were manipulated by maniacs and other evil beings.
One day when she came home, she saw the door was forced open. Team Plasma was standing there, over her parents. The evil looks in the Pokemons they had, such evil and anger. They took her with them, leaving behind her parents, in the destroyed house.
Years passed, she became a member of Team Plasma. She never remembered what happened when she was younger. Feeling something was off, she went outside the base of Team Plasma. That's where a figure told her what happened when she was younger, what Team Plasma did.
She remembered everything, it all came back. She fell to the ground and cried. The figure slowly disolved into thin air. Confused about what it was, she decided to not go back to the base. She couldn't bare the thought of what they did.
She decided to go back to her hometown. On her way there, she found Eevee, an astray Pokemon that had no trainer. Serah decided to take Eevee with her. The pure and innocent look in Eevee made her decide that she would save every Pokemon, bringing back that innocent and pure look.
When she finally reached her hometown, she got welcomed by people, people that remembered her while she didn't remember them. Days had passed until Team Plasma found her in her hometown. The town people kept her safe, in the cost of their lives.
All this slaughter, destroying lives. She had found her quest. Justifying the loss of people and making sure that every Pokemon in the entire world is safe from harm. No matter the cost.

"All this slaugher and for what? Power, Money, Pokemon? I will make them ALL pay."
- Serah


King ForumStalker

I'm going to do this slightly differently and add ALL THE PEOPLEZ!

So i'm going to add everyone to the list.