Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

A message from the Legion of Doom


Lord of Altera
Sirens sound in the background as the undead shuffle down one of many deserted streets.
A cracked television set flickers between an emergency warning station and static when it suddenly changes to a scene of a throne room, lavished with purple with a man sprawled looking slightly amused with himself.

"I would just like to say, Thank you.
As the leader of the Legion of Doom I thank you on behalf of all of our member states for taking in the majority of our infected citizens. We thank you for being here in our darkest hour and making the sacrifice for the good of us.
If you did not notice, one of our members started to export a good amount of undead into your region. From this point your defense deteriorated at an increased rate and effectively destroyed all hope of your survival.
You have no hope to survive make your time, all our undead are belong to you.
Ciao- From Emperor Jagster the VII"

The screen then fades to a with black background with gigantic, elaborate letter Z.
The sound of champagne bottles being opened and laughter is heard alongside this before quickly being drowned out with calming elevator music.


Dark Auras

Ah. Legion of doom. If all youre here to do is try and cause your petty harm youre really just wasting your time. I know the nations who are part of the region & will eject any and all who decide to join without permission.
Also changing the nations password.



Legend of Altera
My condolences, Hollowworld... I am sure I speak for most of The Holy Empire of The Grand Church and for the entirety of The Oppressed Peoples of The Puppet States of The Grand Church when I say that we pity your souls... My the gods have mercy on your damned souls and let you die easy. For the love of the gods, kill the brain.

~Fatherton Pinecrest


Legend of Altera
Ah. Legion of doom. If all youre here to do is try and cause your petty harm youre really just wasting your time. I know the nations who are part of the region & will eject any and all who decide to join without permission.
Also changing the nations password.

Might I say, little Tib, it truly is all in good sport. But, as a side note, the majority does not always rule in our peaceful little region of supercharged nations and, thusly, you can't exactly blame us all. Also, with an infection rate of 99.5% and 1.20 billion infected and only 6 million survivors, you can hardly call the harm done "petty."

Dark Auras

Might I say, little Tib, it truly is all in good sport. But, as a side note, the majority does not always rule in our peaceful little region of supercharged nations and, thusly, you can't exactly blame us all.
You act as if I dont know who you all are / The reasons some of you want to come into our nations.


Lord of Altera
Our armies are destroying the ''zombie'' invasion, their numbers passed from about 100 million to a petty 5 million, glory to Arcturix!

Dark Auras

Why not "screw" with us, tib? All's fair in love and war. This just happens to be the later.
Locked nation with a password? Theres a reason we had one but someones leaked it. Therefore Ive changed it. I'll change it every time we get a new nation if it has to be that way.