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The original mute
Hey ghost, I have an idea that will make you bio interesting and also make you write more delicious stuff for me to read. Right a short thing about characters you are with often, so Damien, kath, and Luna. Then do ones that take your fancy. This would be like a small diary entry, but saying. Luna is a strange girl, seemingly etc etc.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
matyio said:
Hey ghost, I have an idea that will make you bio interesting and also make you write more delicious stuff for me to read. Right a short thing about characters you are with often, so Damien, kath, and Luna. Then do ones that take your fancy. This would be like a small diary entry, but saying. Luna is a strange girl, seemingly etc etc.
Are you honestly insinuating that I would rudely create smaller bios of characters without their consent, and poorly at that?

I love it :3 And I apologies that it is only 1 chapter a day, as I know how much you read, but that's all some people have time for :/


We demons of our solemn hour
Are you honestly insinuating that I would rudely create smaller bios of characters without their consent, and poorly at that?

I love it :3 And I apologies that it is only 1 chapter a day, as I know how much you read, but that's all some people have time for :/
*jumps up and down waving* do me do me! ... {that sounds so wrong}


Loyal Servant of Altera
Maybe a silly question, but how old is Cloud approximately when these things happen? Not that is really matters when you're immortal... but just being curious.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
LadyMara said:
Maybe a silly question, but how old is Cloud approximately when these things happen? Not that is really matters when you're immortal... but just being curious.
I struggle to wrap my head around time frames when it is like this, but I would say he is about 480 at this point, very roughly of course :)

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Now, I would rather have stuck to writing a chapter today, but with time running out I'd rather postpone it until the morning instead of rush through it :)

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I had a thought, if there was anyone wondering how I write as much as I do each day, there are three things:
1. Listen to a lot of music, it helps inspire thoughts
2. Have the end goal in mind, that way, you're just filling in the blanks until you get there at your own pace :)
3. Imagine how much you write when you're rp-ing for about an hour :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
Nice writings again, but I must say the diary-part really confuses me, I've no clue what's going on there.
And I had a small question, last Thursday, Mara and Cloud had an conversation about the Dark, but it seemed Mara somehow made Cloud upset, at least it seemed so to me (or you just had to leave). Did she insult him somehow?

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Nice writings again, but I must say the diary-part really confuses me, I've no clue what's going on there.
And I had a small question, last Thursday, Mara and Cloud had an conversation about the Dark, but it seemed Mara somehow made Cloud upset, at least it seemed so to me (or you just had to leave). Did she insult him somehow?
Ah, I suppose the only person that would understand would be bette, just try to imagine what it would be like if your mind had its own opinion
Also, could you give me a quick reminder on the rp?


Loyal Servant of Altera
Eh... it was in the Merry Mead, and Cloud was there with Mairin and Slade, and somehow the subject turned to darkness, and Cloud asked something about his dark side. I don't remember the talk exactly, but I only know Cloud seemed very absent and just went away suddenly.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Eh... it was in the Merry Mead, and Cloud was there with Mairin and Slade, and somehow the subject turned to darkness, and Cloud asked something about his dark side. I don't remember the talk exactly, but I only know Cloud seemed very absent and just went away suddenly.
Ah, I did have to go at that time, but Cloud does have a darker side, and it is understandable that he would not like to provoke it if possible