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Loyal Servant of Altera
Ah, I did have to go at that time, but Cloud does have a darker side, and it is understandable that he would not like to provoke it if possible
Everyone has a darker side, that's just natural, at least, in my opinion.
But now....I need to rp more, I think to get the hang of these things.
I wonder how Cloud reacts if Mara would ever tell him about Ravan and some other person.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Everyone has a darker side, that's just natural, at least, in my opinion.
But now....I need to rp more, I think to get the hang of these things.
I wonder how Cloud reacts if Mara would ever tell him about Ravan and some other person.
He would probably actually like Ravan quite a bit, seeing as his immortality was a blessing and he respects it


Loyal Servant of Altera
Immortality is, in Ravan's opinion, a blessing and a curse, but he knows only the Lady can allow him to die, because unlike Cloud, Ravan never died, but was only altered.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
MrTeamSparky said:
Reminds me of Damien's backstory and how he came to be how he is today... Crazy

…I should write his backstory
Gah, Damien isn't crazy, he just needs someone to land on :p and you have my support for the backstory!

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
MrTeamSparky said:
You haven't seen Damiens darker side, and as for the backstory, It gets a bit graphic when he was young. Let's just say his parents died, for now
Actually you had already wrote that part of the backstory, it was quite graphic thanks to my help, and I believe your darker side has a name, and occupies a lot of space on one of your hands :p


The original mute
Those two remind me of those characters from bio shock infinite, did you get the idea from that?

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
matyio said:
Those two remind me of those characters from bio shock infinite, did you get the idea from that?
I combined the idea with the two characters from clash of the titans, but yes, I just love their characters too much not to have gained inspiration from them :) I would have actually been shocked if you hadn't spotted that :p