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An Interesting Problem


The Arbiter of the Gods
By players behaving however they like it's easy for them to ruin others' RP. You have to bare in mind that we're constantly encouraging changing a lot of things people are doing to improve RP, but often it doesn't work because the concept of an organisation seems funny, as they can't actually enforce their threats.


Lord of Altera
+10 awesome points
I remembered a few things after the years. :p

To be honest, I dislike the ideas that emerged during the discussion. They are harsh, restrictive, and focus on fighting the symptoms instead of the cause. Nobody likes to be punished, and the idea of punishment alone can greatly reduce the lust of people to roleplay at all. Besides, it would most likely encourage the creation of RP-groups in which the players can behave the way they like without the fear of prosecution.
I suggest making higher standards for roleplay instead enforcing a punishment. Higher standards overall will solve this problem more efficient than punishment, since people will have to adjust themselves to the standards.
I suppose that would work. I know I'd like to see more capital letters at the start of sentences in-game.


King ForumStalker
To be honest, I dislike the ideas that emerged during the discussion. They are harsh, restrictive, and focus on fighting the syptoms instead of the cause. Nobody likes to be punished, and the idea of punishment alone can greatly reduce the lust of people to roleplay at all. Besides, it would most likely encourage the creation of RP-groups in which the players can behave the way they like without the fear of prosecution.
I suggest making higher standards for roleplay instead enforcing a punishment. Higher standards overall will solve this problem more efficient than punishment, since people will have to adjust themselves to the standards.
I don't think it is supposed to be seen as punishment, more a structure as to roleplaying effectively. We didn't add the lore because we want to punish people for not following it, that's just part of the package, what we want is something to aid in the immersion of the world.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I suggest making higher standards for roleplay instead enforcing a punishment. Higher standards overall will solve this problem more efficient than punishment, since people will have to adjust themselves to the standards.
In an ideal world, I would heartily agree with you, however I think most people do acknowledge that very often the players who might give the wrong impressions in roleplay do not visit the forums quite as often as other players, and might not take the time to read what is suggested for the betterment of the roleplaying "story" for everyone.
It may be that some changes actually need enforcing (at least to some extent) in order to get some players to acknowledge there is a problem at all.


Lord of Altera
Guys, in all seriousness possible
You are talking about imposing rules and supervision for peoples fears and opinions of certain groups of individuals.

An organization is just a group of people
how other people view that said organization is up to them

This all comes back to the 'everybody is a hero who is afraid of nothing' problem.

I like the idea of something other than organizations (which can be as small as two people saying, we have similar ideals, lets be an organization called awesome peeps! by definition) guilds. (go Ravnica!)

There could be official guilds that are regulated and everything, they would be ranked so people know how much power is 'officially' behind them and everything. But it is still up to people how they react to the guild.

The way people act is up to them and always should be. The consequences for there actions should however be more severe. That is what this thread should really be about.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
The way people act is up to them and always should be.
I agree with this very much, however a lot of people do need to recognise that just because things in-game cannot actually harm them, it does not mean everyone should always try to act the hero, or appear entirely unperturbed by everything, all the time. It's effectively abusing the fact that it is not entirely realistic to make their characters seem big and bad, when in reality they just look a bit of a wally.


King ForumStalker
I agree with this very much, however a lot of people do need to recognise that just because things in-game cannot actually harm them, it does not mean everyone should always try to act the hero, or appear entirely unperturbed by everything, all the time. It's effectively abusing the fact that it is not entirely realistic to make their characters seem big and bad, when in reality they just look a bit of a wally.
And the fact that these fears and obstacles are all part of the story and ignoring them is ruining it for everyone.


Lord of Altera
On the topic of making characters more realistic, perhaps we could make a new format that everyone is required to fill out for their character? Like this?

Shameless self-advertising.


Lord of Altera
I don't think it is supposed to be seen as punishment, more a structure as to roleplaying effectively. We didn't add the lore because we want to punish people for not following it, that's just part of the package, what we want is something to aid in the immersion of the world.
What else could it be than punishment if you force a person to kill his character off permanently? Sure, the player misbehaved and it could be good to teach him a lesson. Nonetheless there wouldn't be this problem if the players would follow official roleplay standards. Limitations are better than just punishment, and the so-called "common sense" is far too unreliable anyways.


King ForumStalker
There was never a conclusive agreement to the whole character killing off, it was a suggestion and to be fair it was shut down by pretty much everyone who is part of the discussion so far.


Lord of Altera
What else could it be than punishment if you force a person to kill his character off permanently? Sure, the player misbehaved and it could be good to teach him a lesson. Nonetheless there wouldn't be this problem if the players would follow official roleplay standards. Limitations are better than just punishment, and the so-called "common sense" is far too unreliable anyways.
As I said a few pages earlier, it wouldn't be exactly permanent. Perhaps a test to show that you have attained greater knowledge of the lore or server could result in a revive?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I personally think the only way to fix this is to make the punishments more severe. I like what tomahawk did. And to make the punishment MUCH more severe. Perhaps if you're sentenced to death by the courts you can't be brought back to life.

Should be noted that the Sisterhood is not aligned politically and will not help the Crown or the Silvercloaks. Thats not to say you can't claim they would, but...


King ForumStalker
It was just an example. And I do not believe that I stated anywhere that a conclusive agreement exists.
Then what's the issue? :)

Is there anything here that a majority seems to agree to that you don't like, perhaps that would be a more relevant starting point as to why you disagree with this discussion so far?