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The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
You like to put Cloud in trouble, don't you?
I'd want nothing more than for him to sit down by the water all day doing nothing, but it turns out that he has to help people, or he gets hit with an arrow, or he turns into a puppy, or because of the broken moon event his symbol is broken slightly... etc. :p


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I'd want nothing more than for him to sit down by the water all day doing nothing, but it turns out that he has to help people, or he gets hit with an arrow, or he turns into a puppy, or because of the broken moon event his symbol is broken slightly... etc. :p
Or is nearly made into rabbit pie.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
After addressing the character 'Cloud', some inconsistencies need to be corrected, massively changing the details of the backstory, so no chapters until everything is sorted out and parallel to the lore as much as possible
(While changes are being made, who says I can't write diary entries? :p)

Bonus: Cloud's Diary: Part 10
A friend that always has my back..

On one of the many days that I have just to myself, I visited the attic of the mill that I live in, thanks to that Jeroxia.. It is a really good chance to breath, find my inner peace, and let my ideas flow around the empty, perfect room. I thought of how I should deal with Eminu now that I have successfully patched each individual crack and slash in my back, with bandages that have been combined with a sticky herb I found walking through the wood. Even though I try as hard as possible not to accidentily set off a trap.. again... I still stumble upon some interesting vegetation.. I wonder if anyone has examined them yet.. Maybe I have a chance to name the herb! The Stigitatious herb has a nice ring to it. Those herbs really stop the bleeding, but it has made my back so tight, ducking from attacks will be much more of a challenge now.

Well, as I was thinking, I heard a voice from down below saying what I thought was 'I have a bag of dead bottles' followed by 'just joking'. The voice was barely recognisable, and the scent he or she carried was faint at best, so doing the polite thing, I told them that they were allowed to come in. In the end, it was the right choice, as the person was a friend, not foe, but a clean swinging punch to the back of the head whilst I was meditating, causing me to roll across the room until I came to a stop, almost convinced me otherwise. It was Damien. Of course it was Damien, who else would punch me from behind, thinking that they're just being friendly. He really doesn't know his own strength sometimes.. Well, we talked, and strangely enough, he did not know Jeroxia. Those two would be the finest of friends, and yet he does not know him? Then I asked if he had heard any rumours of Eminu, possibly floating around port silver. He did not know who she was either! I thought insane attracted insane, well, at least Jeroxia and Damien are the good kind of insane, and not the Eminu kind.

Well, after I had checked my chickens, we talked of the concept of a companion, which Damien could not understand no matter how hard he tried. I asked what a friend was to him that was more than that several times, receiving answers like 'a good friend' and 'a great friend', until I could tell that his head was starting to hurt, reminding me that I was missing out on precious meditation time. I would have meditated at Witches Brew, but.. It brings back too many memories for it to be 'peaceful' for me. Funnily enough, he offered to me a head massage to help me relax a bit, which thinking back now, I don't know what I was thinking that made me agree. I sat down, he stood behind me, and I woke up a quarter of the day later to find blood from my head, on my diary, and no Damien to be seen of.

*Personal Note: Damien likes to punch things*
Love it. Love it all